VIDEO - American Music Machine acapella group debuts at Epcot's American Adventure Pavilion

Apr 30, 2015 in "American Music Machine"

American Music Machine opening show
Posted: Thursday April 30, 2015 8:00am EDT by WDWMAGIC Staff

American Music Machine, a new 5 piece acapella vocal group made its debut performance yesterday at Epcot's American Adventure Pavilion.

Performing in the America Gardens Theater, American Music Machine delivers an impressive range of pop hits from yesterday and today, all with no backing tracks and just pure vocal talent.

The group will typically be appearing Wednesdays through to Sunday, with 20 minute showtimes of 11:45am, 12:30pm, 1:40pm, 2:20pm, 3:00pm and 3:45pm. Check the times guide as times do vary.

Voices of Liberty continue to perform their classic sets in the American Adventure rotunda Wednesday through to Thursday, and their American Gardens Theater sets on Mondays and Tuesdays.

American Music Machine is the latest new act to open after a large reshuffle of Epcot live entertainment. Fife and Drum Corp, Mo'Rockin, Off Kilter and World Showcase Players were all closed to make way for the new acts. In addition to American Music Machine, Epcot has recently seen the introduction of the Canadian Lumberjacks, Sbandieratori Di SansepolcroPaul McKenna Band, B'net Al Houwariyate, and the Mexican Marimba Trio.

Check out the gallery for more photos and the video below for a look at one of their opening day performances.

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    MaryJanePMay 20, 2015

    Wow, and here we thought the complaints about stagnation were the failure to add new things, not the removal of other things. This is a welcome addition, even if it comes at the expense of the loss of other acts.

    TubaGeekMay 20, 2015

    The performers are very talented, but it's a little generic for me. Other than the calibur of performers, how is this any different than what you might find at a Six Flags?

    Tonka's SkipperMay 20, 2015

    my bad, I must have misread it...............great news! AKK

    wdwmagicMay 05, 2015

    No they didn't. VOL are 7 days a week. 5 days in the rotunda, 2 days in the outdoor theater.

    Tonka's SkipperMay 05, 2015

    but they cut the VOL to 2 days!........

    Fractal514May 05, 2015

    Last fall, when all of this started happening, I came on here to express that I was excited at the prospect of new acts and that I trusted Disney when they said they'd be adding more than just the four they had announced. Since then we've gotten the four they announced and two extras. Maybe these new acts aren't as good or the personal preference of some of the old ones, but I'm glad to see that Disney DID decide to add more than they took way.

    Disneyhead'71May 03, 2015

    They are definitely a "Small Stage" act. They are awesome, but that isn't the right venue. Unless they were the entertainment before the real act comes out.

    KeeKeeMay 03, 2015

    Saw them Saturday. The performed well, but the show was middling at best. The outdoor venue didn't seem to favor the unaccompanied voice. This show seems like it would be better suited to the MK or one of the cruise ships. Not my cup of tea at this pavilion.

    Disneyhead'71May 03, 2015

    Whatcha gonna do. Sometimes these things get sucked into the swirling vortex that is "The Internet". I have figured out that, apparently, isn't very intellectually challenging to post on forums. Go figure.

    12_Ears_DadMay 03, 2015

    Well that's how these forums here work, dontcha know.. o_O I once had a thread removed because it turned into a peanut allergy debate when that really had nothing to do with the OP...

    Disneyhead'71May 01, 2015

    They performed this morning at the Coolest Summer Ever Media Preview. They sounded amazing. No pitch problems today. But I would imagine being inside with a more controlled environment makes matching pitch easier.

    hpyhnt 1000May 01, 2015

    Good to see something was done to fill the hole left by Fife and Drum Corps.

    Sped2424May 01, 2015

    THEM HIGH NOTES THOUGH! Now this I like. Shame it came at the expense of drum and fife.

    BriarRose1701May 01, 2015

    No complaints here, just sad to see good things go as they're replaced by their updated counterparts. That's not an unusual thing. I still miss the old test track, but I still ride it quite happily. I'm more than willing to make my own opinion when I see them in person.