Blizzard Beach now closed for the remainder of the week due to low temperatures

Dec 08, 2014 in "Blizzard Beach"

Posted: Monday December 8, 2014 2:00pm EST by WDWMAGIC Staff

Blizzard Beach is closing early today and will remain closed for the remainder of the week.

The water park has closed today at 2pm, and will not reopen again until Saturday December 13. The weather forecast indicates lows in the low 40s, with highs in the low 60s through to the weekend.

Typhoon Lagoon is already closed as parts of its annual refurbishment.

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    ToTBellHopDec 10, 2014

    While it is not always humid in FL (dew points are often far below daytime temps in winter), your point is certainly true when it is humid. As has been beaten to death here, very few people wish to stand on top of a mountain, wet, 3/4 naked, in the 50-degree wind. To another poster's question, I have not typically seen the pools at the resorts close for coldness alone. I actually quite enjoy hot tubs on a chilly night, followed by a brisk run back to the hotel room!

    ford91exploderDec 10, 2014

    Oh yes that nice 'breeze' and the cold dampness of added humidity of New England, Yet some idiots still wear shorts.

    ford91exploderDec 10, 2014

    Yes - where I live 50 is shorts weather and people go to the beach when it 60 outside, That being said most people dont visit water parks when the high is going to be 60 degrees

    Figment2005Dec 10, 2014

    Also, it is always humid here in Florida, and humidity amplifies both heat and cold. Up north where 50 degrees may be comfortable, add 80% humidity and tell me it doesn't feel colder. Oh, and also add the 15-20 mph "breeze" and lets see if you're not looking for a sweatshirt. So many visitors come to Florida expecting it to be always sunny and warm, and then don't take into account that it does get cold. They then become sick and their vacations ruined.

    The MomDec 10, 2014

    Per my above post, going into a heated resort pool, and then coming out, wrapping yourself in a towel,and running back to your heated room is very different than walking around in cooler temperatures while wet, with no protection from the wind and no way to quickly warm yourself. Even though the air temperature may be exactly the same, there is a huge difference between 65 degrees when the sun is shining, and no wind, fairly protected versus 65 when you add in wind, rain, and/or overcast conditions. I often have to spend 8hrs plus on the water and will immediately start subtracting degrees from the predicted temps due to weather conditions - with an automatic 5-10 degree subtraction just because I'm on the water. Except in summer in FL - then I start adding due to the sun reflection. But generally I still start out with a light jacket until the sun is up. I've had to deal with hypothermia when people haven't taken all of the factors into account when dressing for the day - even in Florida.

    Matt_BlackDec 10, 2014

    Quite right. Also, cold improves circulation and (for men) virility.

    Master YodaDec 10, 2014

    Cold weather actually appears to stimulate the immune system. The reason we tend to get sick more often during cold weather is we stay inside with other people making spreading germs/viruses much easier. Also the dry heat produced by heaters dries out the mucus membranes reducing their ability to fight off foreign invaders.

    Matt_BlackDec 10, 2014

    I do know that I went during Christmas week in 2012 and the temps varied WILDLY, from the 30s as the low one day to very nice, reaching up to the 80s or 90s, another. And yes, the pools were opened on the days it wasn't too bad. I tried swimming the one day that started in the 40s and warmed up to about the 70-80 degree mark- it was warm enough to swim, but not nearly warm enough for me to enjoy it. Others seemed to be having a good time, though. On the other hand, if you're looking to take a nap, go for a quick dip first- immersion in cold water before lying down helps you sleep better.

    tribbleorlflDec 10, 2014

    Oh bummer, all the tourists who pack their swimsuits so they can boast they went swimming in December are going to be so disappointed. No, it's not 85* and sunny year-round here. Real question, though. Does Disney also close the resort pools due to low temperatures?

    BrianVDec 10, 2014

    My point was that many tourists who come to Florida do indeed go swimming in 50-60 degree weather (we did and found out time at a water park on an empty cold day to be amazing!). The opposite is true too. My parents come to visit me from Florida and wear down winter coats when it is 50 out (and we are all wearing shorts!) Yes, I've been in disney when it snowed. That is cold. I concede. No swimming then.

    The MomDec 10, 2014

    I agree. And people forget that there is a big difference between going into a heated pool (where you can keep warm by remaining in the water, and then quickly get warm when you exit) and being exposed, while wet, to the cold all day - or even for an hour. I've been in heated pools at ski resorts - but I had a towel and a sweatshirt handy and didn't linger once I got out. There is a formula which is used to determine the risk of hypothermia. When ALL of the conditions combine, the water parks are closed. (It is also used for other outside water activities) It involves more than water and air temperature - wind,cloud cover, activity,etc are also factored in. Hypothermia can be a real issue in Florida, because people don't think it can happen here. I've seen it happen when the temperature isn't what many would call "cold" but the other conditions (wind, rain, lack of outerwear) created the problem.

    Tom MorrowDec 10, 2014

    First, literally EVERY time a thread like this appears, someone has to come in and boast about how 50-60 degree weather isn't cold. NO, it's not that cold, but are YOU going to go swimming in it?? NO, YOU'RE NOT. Second, it can get down to the 30's and 20's in Florida, so yes, that is cold enough to be "cold."

    BrianVDec 10, 2014

    I'm neither a doctor nor do I play one on tv, but I've been led to believe that being wet and cold can make you' more susceptible to developing a cold if you are exposed to germs. And we are always exposed to germs. That said, cold for Florida ain't cold!

    Victor KellyDec 10, 2014

    hypothermia is getting sick:D