Evening Extra Magic Hours replace morning EMH at Disney's Hollywood Studios in March

Jan 15, 2020 in "Disney's Hollywood Studios"

Posted: Wednesday January 15, 2020 11:45am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

The latest updates to the Walt Disney World operating hours continues evening Extra Magic Hours at Disney's Hollywood Studios into March 2020.

All morning EMH days for March have been replaced with evening EMH, operating from 8:30pm to 10:30pm on most EMH days. Currently April remains with morning EMH, but based on the last few months there is a chance they will be replaced with evening EMH.

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    NoChesterHesterJan 18, 2020

    This is a great trend.

    vacationmadnessJan 18, 2020

    When I’m making plans for our trip in May, do you think I should expect the morning EMH to be flipped to evening ones? It might make a big difference in which parks we’ll be at. Thanks! Mike

    RememberWhenJan 18, 2020

    I like the early hours with the kids, and the late hours for the adults in our group. This should be great if they continue it out into the summer.

    AugieMoroscoJan 17, 2020

    I hope this continues into July!

    LuvtheGoofJan 16, 2020

    Cue the people who complain that they always get up at the crack of dawn and prefer the morning hours. :rolleyes: They will never satisfy everyone.

    surfsupdonJan 15, 2020

    Last Sunday, I enjoyed my night at HS EMH evenings. I flew over from Epcot and was able to ride both Tower and Aerosmith 3x apiece....all as a walk on. Pre-shows were not being utilized. The atmosphere of this park at night is one of my favorites. Glad it has returned.