Walt Disney World kicks-off July 4 celebrations with a spectacular Air Force flyover of Magic Kingdom

Jul 04, 2023 in "Magic Kingdom"

Magic Kingdom July 4 flyover
Posted: Tuesday July 4, 2023 10:43am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

The U.S. Air Force provided a spectacular sight for Magic Kingdom guests this morning with a special flyover of Magic Kingdom.

Honoring 100 years of aerial refueling excellence, the flyover included one KC-135 'Stratotanker' flown by the 91st Air Refueling Squadron based at MacDill Air Force Base. It was joined by four F-35 Lightning II stealth aircraft flown by the 33rd Fighter Wing based at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida.

Watch the video below to see the two flyovers. (4K YouTube)

Disney has a long history of support for the military, dating back to Disney's founders, Walt and Roy Disney, who both served their country during the First World War. That tradition continues today with events like the daily Flag Retreat ceremony at Magic Kingdom, where an active-duty military member or veteran is selected from the park's daily visitors to be honored. The Walt Disney Company has also been a leading proponent of hiring, training and supporting military veterans with the Heroes Work Here initiative, the Heroes Supply Here program and Disney's Veterans Institute.

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    wtyy21Jul 06, 2023

    Meanwhile, at the unrelated park in Anaheim (Disneyland), their 4th of July firework show (still use same theme as MK) saw all of their castle pyro elements removed, worse than MK perimeter firework cut.

    WorldExplorerJul 05, 2023

    That was awesome.

    vikescaperJul 05, 2023

    People have asked me why I go to EPCOT on the 4th instead of MK and I always say because of the tag’s finale.

    CompedJul 05, 2023

    That last minute or so, when they let off what must be a million worth of fireworks essentially at once... I'm surprisingly impressed.

    Andrew25Jul 05, 2023

    It's always been a thing, almost every single night during HEA. It's a decent view if you only care about the high pyro

    jrhwdwJul 05, 2023

    When is World Celebration really supposed to open?????

    TTA94Jul 05, 2023

    Next year should be better, hopefully. Maybe MK will have a nighttime parade again and Epcot will have the new show plus of course all the walls will be down so it’ll be easier to exit the park after the big event shows. Well, this coming NYE should have both of those for Epcot.

    iMaxJul 05, 2023

    Were you impressed?

    jrhwdwJul 05, 2023

    First time I've heard this..... Interesting...

    DobergeJul 05, 2023

    First time in a park on a big show date and didn't realize there are taped off spots for viewing *in the bypass*. This was at least on the east / Tomorrowland side. A CM said it's actually a pretty good view. I'm dubious but will try it out another time.

    jrhwdwJul 05, 2023

    Not counting New MK Prim. Or No Fountians or Lagoon Lights in WSL.............

    gerararJul 05, 2023

    I wouldn't say that about MK. If anything, it's decreased since 2019. Reasons explained above.

    jrhwdwJul 05, 2023

    LOL!!! Not sure I could handle it if I was there live! Thank Goodness for YT! Although, Epcot's 30th scared me a little even on YT! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

    vikescaperJul 05, 2023

    EPCOT’s Fourth of July tag always makes me smile….and my eardrums bleed.🤣