Disney Cast Member 2020 Service Celebration at Magic Kingdom on January 25 postponed due to weather

Jan 24, 2022 in "Magic Kingdom"

Posted: Monday January 24, 2022 4:05pm ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Tomorrow night's 2020 Cast Member Service Celebration at Magic Kingdom has been postponed for a second time, on this occasion due to forecasted poor weather.

The Cast Member service celebration recognizes Cast Members with 10+ service years, and was originally planned for 2020 and postponed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It will now be hosted later in the Spring.

Operating hours on January 25 2022 for day guests had been adjusted to 9am to 4:30pm to accommodate the event, and so far they have not been modified despite today's cancellation of the service celebration event.

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    gerararMay 16, 2022

    castlecake2.0May 16, 2022

    They gave us ponchos and moved a lot of stuff inside, luckily rain only lasted an hour or so.

    ToTBellHopMay 16, 2022

    Such bad luck with weather for these events but they really couldn’t postpone this event again, so the show had to go on.

    larryzMay 16, 2022

    Spring/summer thunderstorms make late winter a better bet to plan an outdoor event in Orlando.

    James JMay 16, 2022

    Yeah, it's pretty nasty out right now! Currently watching the severe rain, thunder and lightning from our hotel room on International Drive.

    Ddad4May 16, 2022

    Bad luck again for todays event. Lightning and storms for the past hour. Monorail is down. Hope it clears out so they can enjoy part of the evening.

    stu1901May 14, 2022

    Was the last service celebration typically a good day to go to Mk?

    TouchdownMay 14, 2022

    If anyone knows when the special fireworks shoot off Sunday it would be appreciated, for us monorail resort guests.

    kalel8145May 14, 2022

    Oh very nice. Good for those cast members. That's cool.

    Blueluna1Mar 09, 2022

    This would be great! Do you recall where you heard that? Was planning to do MK that day and Trying to plan dining. would be great to know if hopping will be an option that day.

    MagicHappens1971Mar 08, 2022

    I believe they confirmed that if you have a normal ticket with a park reservation for MK on this day it will turn into a park hopper @ 2pm

    DisneyDivaMomMar 07, 2022

    I’m glad they’re honoring the cast members. This is well deserved, and yes this does fall during our vacation and we currently have an MK park pass that day. I have read that those days are actually a good day to go to MK because there are lower crowds. Anyone with a shorter trip and no park hopper will likely chose another park these days. If you have park hoppers you get to enjoy 2 parks!

    ShookieJonesFeb 13, 2022

    Happy about this for a couple of reasons. 1. The CMs get a little love for a change. 2. The current planned dates miss my vacation by a day (phew).