Aunt Polly's opening for July 4 week at the Magic Kingdom

Jun 28, 2019 in "Magic Kingdom"

Posted: Friday June 28, 2019 9:00am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Aunt Polly's at the Magic Kingdom will be opening for a limited time during the upcoming July 4 week.

The quick service restaurant on Tom Sawyer Island will be open June 29 through to July 7 2019 from 11am to 3pm.

Menu items include Biscuit BBQ Sliders, Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Pretzel sticks, Mud Brownie, Root Beet Float and Lemonade Slush.

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    Jon81ukJul 09, 2019

    everything sold at Aunt Polly's needs to be brought across on the same rafts that transport guests across, so I do understand why they are reluctant to keep it open.

    Dave BJul 09, 2019

    I guess they had some issues with the kitchen working and have to shut down for the remainder of the year

    lilypgirlJul 09, 2019

    I hope this stays open throughout the summer months and becomes a yearly summer thing. My son loves the island and I love sitting and watching while he does his thing so if I could enjoy refreshment a while we spend a few hours there that would be great.

    RiderJul 03, 2019

    Well if the one site is saying it is closed that must mean...

    Dave BJul 02, 2019

    or until tomorrow, Thursday and Friday for the crowds, I guess we will see

    TongaToast21Jul 02, 2019

    Looks like unfortunately this is no longer going to be the case and will be closed until late Fall

    cmartenJun 30, 2019

    Went there today. No activity unfortunately

    Walt dJun 28, 2019

    Ah reason to go out on the island they should really have rush playing there with being called Tom Sawyer Eh”

    msteelJun 28, 2019

    Aunt Polly's is my favorite place in Magic Kingdom to eat...the picnic lunch we brought into the park. So I don't really care if it's open as long as they don't tear it down.

    Bullseye1967Jun 28, 2019

    Very cool! I have been lucky enough to eat there once in all of my visits to MK.

    rodserling27Jun 28, 2019

    This is great. I wish it could always be open! I quite enjoyed the root beer float they have when I was there in March.

    FamilyCallsMeWaltJun 28, 2019

    I can't wait the island needed something else to keep people there for long periods of time!

    GainesvillainJun 28, 2019

    I know that it has been discussed ad naseum, but I wish that this would return permanently.

    HakunamatataJun 28, 2019

    Thought I saw some activity over there yesterday.