U.S. Navy Blue Angels to flyover the Magic Kingdom next week

Mar 31, 2017 in "Magic Kingdom"

U.S. Navy Blue Angels F18 flyover of the Magic Kingdom
Posted: Friday March 31, 2017 9:53am EDT by WDWMAGIC Staff

The U.S. Navy Blue Angels are scheduled to perform a flyover the Magic Kingdom next week.

Look to the skies above the Magic Kingdom on April 6, between 9:30am and 10am, as the 6 F/A-18 Hornet aircraft make two passes.

The display team are in the area participating in the nearby Fun ‘n Sun International Fly-In & Expo in Lakeland, Florida.

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    flynnibusApr 12, 2017

    The Sound of Freedom! I miss it so...

    EOD K9Apr 12, 2017

    You know the Blue Angels had a camera mounted to one of their planes with footage of this. That, I would like to see.

    GringrinngghostApr 12, 2017

    @wdwmagic here is a contemp view

    38053WDWApr 12, 2017

    anyone know were I can get a larger size of these files? I'd sure love to make some hanging pictures of these form my Disney wall... 70kb just won't cut it ..

    Kman101Apr 08, 2017

    Fantastic video! I should have made it a point to go. Hopefully next time. Looks like it would be awesome to see in person.

    21stampsApr 08, 2017

    I used to attend the air show in Ft lauderdale every year. It's a great time!

    flynnibusApr 08, 2017

    The entire reason the team exists is public relations :). not sure what tipped the scales now tho that Disney would partake.

    Dead2009Apr 06, 2017

    Clamman73Apr 06, 2017

    I guess as a promotion to them flying in today for their air show in Lakeland this weekend.

    BlairnicolApr 06, 2017

    This might be a dumb question, but is there a point to this besides PR? Any special occasion, or just for a news clip?

    LAKid53Apr 06, 2017

    Awesome video. Even nicer when I cast it on my 65 inch.... Thanks @wdwmagic!

    danyoung56Apr 06, 2017

    Oh, I don't know - I've seen a fair number of people coughing and sneezing at WDW. . . (I know what you meant - it was just a funny typo.)

    GCTalesApr 06, 2017

    Great pics and nice video... Was gonna ask how you got the one section... But I see it has been answered.... So I will ask this... What building roof did they shoot that?? Thank you @wdwmagic

    wdwmagicApr 06, 2017

    lol this one is a Disney b-roll clip. :)