Mando and Grogu Join Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run at Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge

Aug 11, 2024 in "Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run"

Mando and Grogu Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run Concept Art
Posted: Sunday August 11, 2024 12:23am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

A brand-new story featuring Mando and his youngling is coming to Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run alongside the "The Mandalorian and Grogu" movie in 2026.

During Horizons: Disney Experiences Showcase at D23: The Ultimate Disney Fan Event, Star Wars creative executive Dave Filoni joined Disney Experiences Chairman Josh D'Amaro onstage to discuss the upcoming addition to the attraction in Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge at both Disneyland Resort and Walt Disney World Resort.

Dave explained that the Lucasfilm team uses Epic's Unreal Engine to create some of the virtual sets for "The Mandalorian." Now, with the expanded partnership between Disney and Epic Games, Epic's Unreal Engine will help bring to life the latest adventure in a galaxy far, far away.

"The intersection of storytelling and innovation has always been central to Lucasfilm and we're excited to see where this collaboration will take us next," Dave told the crowd. "Just imagine it: you'll be able to fly alongside Mando and Grogu on thrilling, and dangerous, missions."

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    thequeuelinelectures14 days ago

    I feel like this has to be 3 separate missions. Even though Galaxy's Edge is moving further and further away from "cannon" I still see the ride starting and ending on Batuu. Seems like the pacing would be insane to go: Batuu, Tatooine, Bespin, Death Star, Batuu. I'm choosing to be hopeful this means we actually get some variety

    Basil of Baker Street15 days ago

    I'm going to pile on as well. It's just not a good attraction no matter the scene. It's a pass for us even as a walk on.

    networkpro16 days ago

    When its advertised as an interactive adventure ride, you'd at least expect some reasonable feedback. Buzz gives you "points", MM does even better with points and reasonable visual feedback with animated actions.

    Agent H16 days ago

    I was there opening day as well.

    HoustonHorn16 days ago

    My first ride was on opening day at WDW. My buddy had gone to the DL opening with his wife, so he had already ridden it a few times. We get assigned pilots, and he told me I had to be the right pilot. Getting to send the Falcon into hyperspace gave me chills and has to be on a bucket list for any SW fan of a certain age.

    JD8016 days ago

    One of the best experiences, for me, at WDW is being in the cockpit of the Falcon going into hyperspace. The single best experience, for me, is pulling that lever and jumping into hyperspace. There isn't anything quite like it.

    JD8016 days ago

    Knowing Filoni they are probably brothers and they will both turn into wolves.

    Dranth16 days ago

    You can say that about anything if you want to reduce it that way. Exactly how is plodding by cardboard cutouts with no control an enjoyable experience? Exactly how is sitting in front of a screen while pulling a string an enjoyable experience? Exactly how is spinning in a circle while moving a lever an enjoyable experience? I get a lot of people don't like it, but it is just a motion simulator that you can choose to engage in the extra button pressing if you want. Personally, we enjoy being Engineers so we can mostly watch the ride and get a kick out of everyone else panicking and laughing as they try to keep up with everything. The worse people do the more fun it is.

    MisterPenguin16 days ago

    Movie-adjacent. They're not re-creating a movie scene. No book report here.

    Agent H16 days ago

    So wait are you saying the mission we are going to be on in the ride might be in the movie?

    MisterPenguin16 days ago

    It sounded to me that since they "captured" SFX shots from the movie, they *might* wind up in the ride's mission.

    TheMaxRebo16 days ago

    We don't know but I agree if you got to all it would feel off pacing wise as not enough time for the "game" part at any location and if you just zip from one to the other it would feel like Star Tours Would be cool if there are multiple missions (even if they don't keep the current one but have 3 different possible locations/mission for new missions) - would increase reride ability I enjoy the ride more than many here but the mission is getting old and I only don't like Max once a year ... Adding some variability would definitely help

    Bill Cipher17 days ago

    I'm a little confused. So far all of the language surrounding this update seems to indicate one new "mission" involving Mando and Grogu, but this concept art shows 3 different locations. Does this one new "mission" have random variation on the ride sequence to take you to one of these 3 locations like Star Tours? Or is it going to be one distinct ride sequence that takes riders to all of these locations per cycle? Sounds like it might be a pacing nightmare. And does this mean the current Corellia mission is being retired permanently?

    MisterPenguin17 days ago

    Another addition tied to the film is Otto, an Anzellan droid mechanic seen in The Rise of Skywalker and the latest season of The Mandalorian. Otto will have a role in maintaining the BDX droids as they expand to new parks.