Primeval Whirl remains closed at Disney's Animal Kingdom

Aug 02, 2019 in "Primeval Whirl"

Posted: Friday August 2, 2019 1:27pm ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Primeval Whirl at Disney's Animal Kingdom continues to be closed for unplanned maintenance.

The coaster closed in mid June and latest estimates have a reopening date in late September 2019. The rest of DinoLand U.S.A. is unaffected by the closure.

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    tissandtullyJan 23, 2020

    Ah, can't wait for a DVC inside DAK.

    AdventureMP4zJan 23, 2020

    A random universal employee told me that

    HauntedMansionFLAJan 22, 2020

    A bus driver told me the same thing ;)

    rle4lunchJan 22, 2020

    well well well. good riddance if indeed its gone soon.

    RSD Part DeuxJan 22, 2020

    It was open tonight for Moonlight Magic. I spoke to a DVC exec and mentioned how nice it was to see it open for the event. He smiled and said “Enjoy it while its still here.”

    Ravenclaw78Dec 30, 2019

    Didn't guest satisfaction ratings at Magic Kingdom actually *increase* as a result of the closure of Stitch, or was that just an urban legend?

    CalebSDec 30, 2019

    So, what is the status of getting the new dinoland coaster approved? if you can say

    Magic FeatherDec 30, 2019

    Well, at least we know that it’s not for Zootopia:

    tissandtullyDec 30, 2019

    Stitch I can say would be minimal impact due to the number of rides at MK, but Backlot Tour was a head-scratcher as well for as long as it was closed.

    dreamfinderDec 30, 2019

    People would have said the same thing about Stitch. Or Backstage Tour.

    tissandtullyDec 30, 2019

    Blog Mickey reporting this is going back into non operational on Jan. 5th So, what's the deal? Why would they keep a ride closed at a park that needs more rides? It's obviously running OK.

    MotherOfBirdsDec 14, 2019

    TouchdownDec 14, 2019

    I can personally confirm 12/14 this ride is open

    wishiwere@wdwNov 27, 2019

    The times I rode in October it didn’t have a wait time posted in MDE nor did it even list as being open. I suspect there happened to be private events at night on the days it was open but that’s just me speculating. Tough to sell dinoland USA as a private event space with a major attraction down and if you have to cycle it for said event anyway for safety checks, might as well be open to the public first?