Removal of Siemens sponsorship underway at Spaceship Earth

Mar 02, 2018 in "Spaceship Earth"

Siemens removed from the park map and signage
Posted: Friday March 2, 2018 9:30am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

The Disney and Siemens alliance that began in late 2005 looks to now be at an end as the Siemens name has now been removed from the latest Epcot guide map.

Siemens provided much of the funding that went into the major 2007 refurbishment of Spaceship Earth, which saw changes to show scenes and the new Project Tomorrow post-show.

The Siemens sign remains up at the main entrance to Spaceship Earth, but on one side, the name has been removed from the Project Tomorrow sign.

The original 12-year strategic alliance saw Siemens become the sponsor of Spaceship Earth at Epcot, along with Reflections of Earth, an exhibit at Innoventions, and the Osborne lights at Disney-MGM Studios

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    aladdin2007May 22, 2019

    wow yes that would be spot on perfect!!! great find! Now how do we get them to use it haha.

    Cmdr_CrimsonMay 22, 2019

    So, we know that many of the Siemens logos and such have been removed and the start of the entrance plaza is starting which can only mean down the road the 2 Year refurb will begin...We don't know much about what is to happen within the inside of SSE (Unless they mention anything at D23 Expo about it)...But, I am curious about the next score of this attraction...We all know that the score for SSE is very bold, dynamic and very memorable to represent the symbol and Icon of the park....And recently I rewatched the Sunrise at Epcot video..One track struck me that could work found here at the 48:30 to 50:46 mark it sounds like something that would play in the queue area and it's central theme for the attraction...

    bcoachableDec 31, 2018

    Thanks for this- I never considered that as even being a thing... Wondering then, if the next show will have a sponsor... but that’s for a different thread.

    BalooChicagoDec 31, 2018

    I was always surprised Siemens was a sponsor in the first place - they’re not much of a consumer brand that would benefit from name recognition.

    MisterPenguinDec 31, 2018

    They're still in a bitter and unresolved dispute over who gets custody of Illuminations. It's been taking a toll on the little fella and affecting his performance.

    bcoachableDec 31, 2018

    So, why did Siemens and Disney decide to call it quits??? Or is it still too soon to share? I vaguely have memories that it might have had something to do with the new night time show, but I’m still not putting two and two together...

    GlacierGlacierDec 30, 2018

    This means the only remaining reference to Siemens is the descent?

    donsullivanDec 30, 2018

    I heard this for the first time yesterday. There is definitely new audio with a new voice actor for the announcement after you complete the turn back and alerting you about doors opening soon, etc.. It was just different enough a voice that it caught me by surprise. It obviously removes all references to Siemens. I wasn't paying attention on the load side but it is definitely updated on the unload side.

    GlacierGlacierDec 30, 2018

    Wow, finally. I'll have to check next time in the parks to confirm, but that'd be wonderful

    JJJDec 30, 2018

    I apologize if this was mentionned in another thread or if I just missed it somewhere, but it looks like the audio at the beginning and end of the ride when Judi Dench isn't narrating were edited (possibly rerecorded? The inflections and audio quality seemed different to me) to remove references to Siemens, at least as of tonight, possibly earlier.

    ShoalFoxJul 31, 2018

    When I was there earlier this month, there were still mentions of Siemens in Project Tomorrow. They could be gone by now, but I can't verify.

    GlacierGlacierJul 30, 2018

    The slow march of this grand Spaceship. That means narration is the only direct branding, correct?

    bcoachableJul 30, 2018

    Have we gotten far enough along the time line for there to be an explanation as to why the split?

    TayoboyJul 30, 2018

    Man, I really wish Disney would have ride lego sets or architecture builds. Imagination Pavilion architecture set....Sign me up!!