More scaffolding up at Disney World's Splash Mountain as refurbishment continues

Aug 25, 2021 in "Splash Mountain"

Scaffolding at Splash Mountain - August 24 2021
Posted: Wednesday August 25, 2021 10:06am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

More scaffolding has gone up around the Magic Kingdom's Splash Mountain this week as the exterior refurbishment continues.

The work is taking place on the upper left side of the mountain, but is not thought to be part of the upcoming changes that will see a Princess and the Frog themed attraction replace Splash Mountain.

Splash Mountain remains open as normal during the refurbishment.

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    No NameAug 28, 2021

    It’s not even close to that point. Some people enjoy the ride instead of analyzing whether every small thing is working.

    91JLovesDisneyAug 26, 2021

    WDWMagic didn’t report on it, I tried to link to Tom’s article but it was removed. they did a quick refurb this past January and fixed the rocking showboat and the water effects in the Laughing Place.

    monothingieAug 26, 2021

    The last refurbishment was Jan 6-Feb 27, 2020. There was no refurbishment in 2019. Historically there has been a 1-3 month closure every winter for the past 10 years.

    monothingieAug 26, 2021

    I was there first and second week of August. Saw it first hand. When where you there last?

    91JLovesDisneyAug 26, 2021

    That is not true.

    monothingieAug 26, 2021

    You’re just wrong. There are 5 animatronics out on the show boat alone. Which as of August 2021 is not rocking. The water effects at the Laughing place have been off for more than a year. There hasn’t been a refurb since pre Covid. They are riding this thing out till it gets rethemed. At what point does it become too embarrassing for Disney to have guests ride it?

    91JLovesDisneyAug 26, 2021

    -Nowhere near dozen, 4-5 at most -They fixed the rocking showboat and laughingplace water last fall -There might be grime, but it’s a log flume ride... what makes you think retheming it would stop grime from accumulating...

    Kirby86Aug 26, 2021

    The 3 major things I noticed were the Brer Rabbit wasn't hopping on the way to the Laughing Place, he didn't say his lines while laughing at Brer Bear caught in the beehive, and the Riverboat wasn't swaying. If I was a first time rider the only thing to me that would be off was missing Brer rabbit hopping since the track points your vehicle to that show scene.

    monothingieAug 26, 2021

    Six Flags tickets and annual passes are a lot cheaper.

    DaveyplooAug 26, 2021

    Wait, those animatronics are supposed to be moving?? But seriously, as others have pointed out, new people who haven't been to the parks before would probably think it's a wonderful ride, because they're ignorant about how it used to be/how it should be at peak performance. They notice not moving animatronics and think it's cool or interesting or fun, not "look how Disney doesn't care because this thing hasn't worked in years". Like the Disco Yeti; they don't mind letting broken things continue being broken if it saves money, and it seems that customers don't either.

    monothingieAug 26, 2021

    Dozens of animatronics not working at all, multiple effects not working (rocking steam boat at the finale, laughing place water effects, and water jets for example), grime and filth along the ride path, blown out show lighting and audio. But if your minimal standards for judging a ride are simply that the ride launched and got you back without breaking down and having to be evacuated, we’ll then I’ve got some disappointing news for you also.

    91JLovesDisneyAug 26, 2021

    Could you have exaggerated any more?

    SquishyAug 26, 2021

    It's parade route lighting, it always goes up every Halloween-Christmas season for some odd reason it would cost them cheaper in the long run to finally install permanent ones instead of having to take them down and up every year but classic Disney not knowing how to budget things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    No NameAug 26, 2021

    “Hot mess of neglect”? :rolleyes: I didn’t notice a single thing not working when I was on it recently, and I can almost guarantee the average guest who isn’t on wdwmagic won’t. The ride is definitely not in any condition where it would be better closed.

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