March of the First Order coming to an end at Disney's Hollywood Studios?

Jun 25, 2019 in "Star Wars A Galaxy Far, Far Away"

 March of the First Order moves to Hollywood Blvd route
Posted: Tuesday June 25, 2019 10:00am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

The March of the First Order Stormtroopers with Captain Phasma looks like it may be coming to an end.

Official performance times are listed through to July 6 2019, with nothing scheduled beyond that date.

The march debuted back in April 2016 as Disney moved quickly to add Star Wars content to Disney's Hollywood Studios. 

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    MovieloverJun 29, 2019

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Have you read Star Wars fan fiction?? It's some of the blandest writing ever. Also Both J.J. and Rian are Star Wars nerds so your argument is a little baseless...

    nickysJun 29, 2019

    Did some posts go missing? Either that or there’s more discussion elsewhere. Anyway, I posted the same question somewhere and this is exactly what the reply was. Jedi Training will remain as long as Star Wars remains. Can’t recall who it was who answered though! 🤔

    PolynesianPrincessJun 27, 2019

    I love it. But I guess I’m the only one? I feel like the little shows / parades like this and the streetmosphere performers add so much to the parks

    Club CooloholicJun 25, 2019

    Cute first time you see it, though repetitive. The second time you run into it, while trying to leave? Very repetitive.

    ToTBellHopJun 25, 2019

    I wonder what will come of Jedi Training as it’s quite popular. It can at least remain until such time as Star Tours closes, if it closes.

    peter11435Jun 25, 2019

    No thanks

    midwest_miceJun 25, 2019

    While it was neat, it does make sense to move all the SW offerings to one area. Also, I wouldn't mind the stage show moving out of the center of the park, it seems like every time I walk through during a performance I drop a load in my pants from the loud pyro!

    mickeyfan5534Jun 25, 2019

    That sounds even worse than the prequels tbh

    SpectroMagicianJun 25, 2019

    Now if they could just cancel TFW and TLJ and try again but with actual good writers (aka Star Wars nerds) this time.

    Walt dJun 25, 2019

    Yes in six months Bobby igor is tearing down star wars. For pixar world. And Winnie the Pooh. Star wars has been there too long.

    TJJohn12Jun 25, 2019

    If it had been a full blown parade it might not have been as jarring to me. But *just* being the stormtroopers with nothing else was awkward along Hollywood Boulevard. A “Star in Motorcars” parade (or even a more MK style affair) makes sense to me. But random stormtroopers in early 20th century Hollywood? Nope.

    wannabeBelleJun 25, 2019

    I actually thought this was a cute touch. Not as cool as the parades and such, definitely not as cool as the parades during Star Wars Weekends but not bad. There is simply not enough to do in this park, so it was a nice addition in that respect. Marie

    Cmdr_CrimsonJun 25, 2019

    I'm.....Okay with this...less of shoving SW in our faces.... Then they can get rid of that pointless Galaxy Far Far Away character say a line and pose show and gut out the Animation building for something better.......The further it goes back the less we know about it...

    EPCOTCenterLoverJun 24, 2019

    I didn't think much of it, but I must say, the kids in our group thought it was one of the highlights of their day at the Studios!