Both Lil Joe and Inigo, the two manatees residing at EPCOT's The Seas with Nemo & Friends pavilion, have been relocated to another aquarium, leaving the pavilion's manatee exhibit temporarily closed to guests.
According to Cast Members at The Seas, new residents are expected to arrive within the next few weeks, with plans to reopen the exhibit once the relocation process is complete.
The closure comes as part of ongoing animal relocation efforts and infrastructure updates across the pavilion. In addition to the closed manatee exhibit, construction walls have been installed on the second level, just outside the viewing area.
Despite the temporary closure of the manatee section, other areas of The Seas pavilion remain open to guests. Visitors can still enjoy the 5.7-million-gallon saltwater aquarium, which features a variety of marine life, including sea turtles, reef fish, sharks, and rays. Popular attractions such as the "Finding Nemo"-themed dark ride and the interactive "Turtle Talk with Crush" show also continue to operate as usual.
The relocation of Lil Joe and Inigo is part of Disney's broader commitment to marine animal welfare and rehabilitation, with the pavilion often serving as a temporary home for rescued manatees undergoing rehabilitation.
More updates on the reopening of the exhibit and new arrivals at The Seas pavilion are expected in the coming weeks.
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