Disney adds Tiana's Bayou Adventure pages to its Walt Disney World and Disneyland websites

Jan 23, 2024 in "Tiana's Bayou Adventure"

Posted: Tuesday January 23, 2024 12:00pm ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Tiana's Bayou Adventure now has its own dedicated page on the official Walt Disney World and Disneyland Resort websites.

The web page does not reveal anything new, but does confirm the 40in (102cm) or taller height requirement.

The now-familiar concept art is also part of the page, along with a brief description of the attraction.

Dreams Come True in the Bayou
Join Princess Tiana and jazz-loving alligator Louis on their journey through a shimmering bayou as they prepare for a spirited celebration during Mardi Gras season. Along the way, you'll see familiar faces and make new friends as you're brought into the next chapter of Tiana's inspiring story.

Tiana's Bayou Adventure is scheduled to open in Magic Kingdom park at Walt Disney World Resort in 2024.

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    Tha Realest36 minutes ago

    It’s a little odd that,’while removing elaborate water features everywhere else they’re building a mini-lake in the desert.

    JoeCamel1 hour ago

    Was it 110 in the shade? Such a lovely climate there

    Agent H1 hour ago

    “There are going to be 999 pages of this thread but there’s room for a thousand!” “Evil laughter”

    solidyne3 hours ago

    Or a triumphal accomplishment of mankind, the pinnacle of human ingenuity! ...only half sarcastic.

    Trueblood3 hours ago

    My wife takes water use and conservation very seriously... she was obviously and viscerally annoyed by the pool.

    lentesta3 hours ago

    Since the thread is off the rails ... I went out to see Cotino. The small homes are well designed. I'm not sure what it's going to look like when it's done. But I liked what I saw. The outdoor, heated, 24-acre swimming pool in the desert is an affront to God.

    solidyne5 hours ago

    I think they simply assumed it was a very young child purportedly making those mature observations. At that point they didn't realize it was college-age person, which makes a lot more sense.

    lentesta7 hours ago

    This is hilarious. Thank you.

    Jrb197913 hours ago

    My beef isn't due to Splash being replaced, I've come to terms with that. My beef is to all to do with the amount of downtime and the issues the AAs have. It's been open less than a year and it's already plagued with issues.

    Chi8414 hours ago


    Trauma14 hours ago

    Yes as long as it’s a Disney product people will defend it. My kids love the boxes !!

    Sir_Cliff14 hours ago

    That is true. They can also finish Cotino with cardboard boxes.

    Trauma15 hours ago

    This thread is off there rails. People questioning my daughter’s emotional reaction to her favorite childhood ride being destroyed. Enjoy the crap ride. The good news is if the kids of today love it, then Disney doesn’t need to bother with quality anymore.

    Chi8415 hours ago

    There must be some satisfaction in it.