Typhoon Lagoon 2019 annual refurbishment schedule

Sep 06, 2018 in "Typhoon Lagoon"

Posted: Thursday September 6, 2018 11:28am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Typhoon Lagoon will close for its annual refurbishment on January 6 2019.

The refurbishment is planned to continue through to March 16, reopening to guests on March 17 2019.

Blizzard Beach will be closed October 28 2018 through to January 5 2019.

View all current and upcoming Disney World refurbishments.

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    PatchesleeMar 02, 2019

    Awesome!!! DD10 has been obsessed with learning to surf since we visited Vilano beach in 2017. They have some stuff already showing on the booking site.

    surfsupdonMar 01, 2019

    Rumor but I am pretty sure it is true... When Typhoon Lagoon reopens, expect a new surfing experience. At present, you can either do the Learn to Surf Program in the mornings, where you use their soft surfboards to ride consistent breaks after an on-land lesson. Fantastic class with amazing instructors at a fair price—highly recommend. Your second option is to rent out the Lagoon Pool after hours for thousands of dollars where you can bring your own boards and choose your wave break (lefts, rights, A frames, or a mix). A truly amazing and fun experience!! A new experience/class will be geared to experienced surfers. You can bring your own boards, and the waves will be mixed (rights, lefts, A frame) and the on land instruction will not be at the basic level. It will be a more advanced class on a high performance wave... an opportunity for folks who can surf to ride rights and lefts without paying thousands to rent out the pool. And on your own board. My surfing crew from Cocoa Beach picked up on this strong rumor. Here’s hoping it’s true because it is something I would enjoy, and many others too. Stay salty my friends (or chlorinated lol)!