Walt Disney World News

Showing all 2004

New Soarin concept art

New Soarin concept art

Testing update

Testing update

Preview photos

Preview photos

Testing resumes

Testing resumes

Testing now underway

Testing now underway

20K Leagues demolition

20K Leagues demolition

Height requirement

Height requirement

Official Opening date

Official Opening date

Guest testing soon

Guest testing soon

Construction progress

Construction progress

20K Leagues demolition

20K Leagues demolition

Official logo

Official logo

20K Leagues demolition

20K Leagues demolition

Construction progress

Construction progress

Construction progress

Construction progress

20K Leagues demolition

20K Leagues demolition

Construction progress

Construction progress

20K Leagues demolition

20K Leagues demolition

Construction progress

Construction progress

Construction progress

Construction progress

20K Leagues demolition

20K Leagues demolition

PhilharMagic wrap bus

PhilharMagic wrap bus

Dinosaur refurbishment

Dinosaur refurbishment

CTX Motion downgrades

CTX Motion downgrades

Postcard to NASA

Postcard to NASA