See how the MagicBand+ interacts with the Fab 50 golden character sculptures at Walt Disney World

May 04, 2022 in "MyMagic+"

MagicBand+ speaker installation at Fab 50 sculptures
Posted: Wednesday May 4, 2022 5:15pm ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

MagicBand+ is set to launch this summer, and Disney is today demonstrating some of the features that will set the new wearable apart from the original MagicBand.

In this demo, when the wearer approaches one of the statues, the guest is greeted with an audible greeting from the character and flashing lights on the MagicBand+.

Disney has recently been installing speakers at the base of each of the statues to facilitate this new functionality.

MagicBand+ is expected to retail starting at $29.99 and will be available in June 2022. Learn more about how MagicBand+ will work in Star Wars Galaxy's Edge.


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    AylaOct 22, 2024

    If you can, Disney has yet to tell people about it. All they mention with Apple devices is getting into the park and using it for LL.

    jpedenOct 22, 2024

    For some reason I can't get it to work - it always wants to charge to my credit card and not my room. I would think since they have the key service in the app making it work with the watch wouldn't be too big of a stretch.

    JaxFLBearOct 22, 2024

    You can room charge using your Apple Watch. That's one of the features of the Disney MagicMobile service. Room entry would require WDW to add support for Apple's Hotel Key functionality.

    jpedenOct 22, 2024

    I mean I always loved MagicBands and thought they were cool and part of the "Disney" experience at WDW, but now that they're $40 and I can get basically the same functionality from my Apple Watch, I just use that. My wife wears hers and does our back-to-room charging if we need it. If I see one that I absolutely love I'll buy it but at this point I'm content with my current collection of MB2's until they die and will use my Apple Watch as my primary entry mechanism. I'd love if I could charge back to my room with my Apple Watch and unlock my door with it (although it isn't a huge hassle to pull out the iPhone to unlock the door) but it would be nice. However, I know that would cut into MB sales so I doubt they ever actually go with a full integration like that.

    JD80Oct 22, 2024

    I bought them for our family, we've now used them for 2 years and I will be using them again in 10 days. Kids will use them again next year. Except my youngest who lost hers last year. I think you just need to learn to see things through other people's eyes and not just your own. These things are relatively cheap and kids love them. Those silly golden statues always have kids waving at them. My kids love how they buzz or glow in random places. The first time they felt a heartbeat in Mansion? My kids gasped. My 6 year old would scream at me, "DAD! LOOK! ITS GLOWING!" and she would them look around and try to figure out why. It's hilarious and awesome.

    Indy_UKOct 22, 2024

    Im sorry but what is the point?

    UNCgolfOct 22, 2024

    Sure -- I probably wouldn't buy one even if I did go regularly because they don't really offer any special functionality I care about (and I don't like wearing stuff on my wrist either), but as someone who just visits WDW once every few years and doesn't do Disney cruises or anything like that, even if I did like it it feels like a hard sell.

    Vegas Disney FanOct 22, 2024

    I despise that they aren’t included still but at least they work across all the parks, we’ve been using our old WDW ones (from 2 years ago) at DL this whole year, we bought new ones for DCL but I think we could have just used our old WDW ones there also.

    Vegas Disney FanOct 22, 2024

    DL has Magic Bands now too, they can’t be used as keys or payment (yet?) but it’s so nice being able to scan into the parks and DAS/LL with them. Not quite as useful as at WDW but getting there. Magic Bands are one of the things I love about WDW, I’m excited to try them on our upcoming cruise for the first time also, will be cool to be able to use them as keys on DCL also.

    UNCgolfOct 22, 2024

    Except they cost $36. I can see getting it as an AP/DVC, but if you're not visting Disney regularly it doesn't really seem worth it. You're going to have your phone with you anyways.

    TouchdownOct 22, 2024

    There the most efficient way to get in, they are easily accessible and the little lights make me smile. Infinitely better then using your phone for everything like DLR.

    ToTBellHopOct 21, 2024

    Wow! This changes everything!

    DisneyDreamer08Oct 21, 2024

    I feel like it happened during Frozen in August 🤔

    DCBakerOct 21, 2024

    They've added more theater shows in addition to the Festival of the Lion King. Here's the list of new additions from Scott: