Florida lifts quarantine restrictions on visitors from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut

Aug 06, 2020 in "The Walt Disney Company"

Posted: Thursday August 6, 2020 12:35pm ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has lifted quarantine requirements for visitors arriving to Florida from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

The original restriction that began in late March during the rapid ride in cases in those areas called for visitors to self-isolate for 14 days on arrival. At that time Florida was experiencing low numbers of COVID-19 cases.

The restriction in the opposite direction calling for visitors from Florida to self-isolate remains in effect.

This relaxing of rules along with a slight decrease in new COVID-19 cases in Florida may begin to help bring more visitors to Walt Disney World, which continues to struggle to attract out-of-state visitors.

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    Dr.GrantSeekerAug 13, 2020

    Thanks for the info! Glad to hear you made it back healthy! I live in NY and they are very strict from what I've seen and been told by friends who had to go into quarantine due to travel. That is basically what is keeping me from getting on a plane right now is I can't sit at home for 2 weeks. I need to work! Hoping Florida pulls it together soon.

    BWDVCkidsince96Aug 13, 2020

    no mention of anything in the airport again, but signs posted all over the roadways about information on a “voluntary self quarantine.” We had researched it beforehand and planned to hang out at home for 14 days for the most part. After 5 days I got a covid test and it was negative so we relaxed a little bit about going to parks and stuff (distanced and with masks) after that, but stayed pretty anti social for 14 days to be safe. Avoided elderly relatives for a good 20 days. All is good. Healthy as can be. Again, it’s voluntary in NJ. Strictly enforced in NY I believe. I’m lucky I’m a stay at home mom so I don’t have to miss work or anything for 2 weeks. Itll be an issue once school starts in sept though since my kiddo is supposed to start preschool. Can’t miss 2.5 weeks every time we want to take a little trip to Disney :(

    Dr.GrantSeekerAug 13, 2020

    How was it when you arrived back in NJ?

    BWDVCkidsince96Aug 13, 2020

    It is kind of silly because in practice they withdrew this quarantine order at the beginning of July when the tri state area implemented their return quarantines. At that point they closed the highway checkpoints and stopped the airport paperwork. This was my experience flying direct from Newark to Orlando in mid July. http://jilteddisneybride.com/2020/07/12/the-magical-return-part-1-travel-from-nj-to-orlando/

    DisneyCaneAug 13, 2020

    They weren't really fleeing from hot spots. The were fleeing due to all the lockdown restrictions that Florida didn't have. It was exacerbated by the number of people from the northeast that either have a second home in Florida or have relatives in Florida. Floridians aren't itching to go to NY or NJ to escape Draconian restrictions. That's why the "retaliatory" quarantines don't make much sense.

    spock8113Aug 13, 2020

    It's as easy as ABC. They need the C......A......S......H......! The Convention was cancelled for good reasons and that lost alot of money for Florida. The same philosophies should apply to these theme parks. If People from these states won't come because they have to quarantine, they simply won't go. I barely go to the supermarket much less spend a wad of cash to go to the "Great Incubator State." Florida blew past New York's total cases weeks ago and are vying for #1, making FLORIDA great again. And soon the kids will be back in school, kids who's parents work at Disney? 2 weeks is a lot to add on to a vacation doing nothing like Tom Hanks in Castaway. This whole thing is a huge folly and very sad. Disney's making a billon in other places but not from the theme parks, no way. Then come the layoffs in September or October. I don't think they can hold out 'til Election week. How about some Florida Covid facts: https://covidaction.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/4915657158ed4991817d3703107563ba

    TouchdownAug 12, 2020

    That’s a commentary (it’s right at the top of the article) which means it’s an opinion. It’s also from a very right wing source written by a policy advisor (first author) and nurse who are currently employed by the Heritage Foundation. That’s not a valid source and not only that, it does not prove a “majority“ of cases in Florida are prisoners or nursing home residents, it’s no doubt that these groups have a high rate of Covid but they are a very small segment of the population. I do not have the time to start pulling statistics from Florida’s database but the largest group in the state who contracted Covid are 25-50 year olds, there is no way a majority of those individuals are in jail or nursing homes.

    lindawdwAug 12, 2020


    TouchdownAug 12, 2020


    LilofanAug 12, 2020

    I miss the freak shows at Mallory Square but the sunset into the ocean is legendary in Key West!

    lindawdwAug 12, 2020

    A majority of the COVID19 cases in Florida that tested positive were from people that were in jails that had an outbreak and nursing homes.

    DMMDMMAug 09, 2020

    Glad to hear. I am retired. Have reservations in November. Can easily quarantine when I get home but not willing to quarantine for 2 weeks before. So still watching Florida and Disney Covid outbreaks to determine whether to make my final payment in October.

    Basil of Baker StreetAug 09, 2020

    Was just down for the mini season. It was a decent crowd but nothing like years past. Only bad part was no Mallory Square sunset activities. Other than that it was pretty good time.

    carolina_yankeeAug 08, 2020

    It's going to take more than getting the positivity under 10%. Daily new cases per 100,000 also has to be below 10. Right now, it's in the 30s. For Florida's population, the daily new cases can't exceed 2100 or so for the period of the rolling average in order to come off the list. I don't see that for quite some time. It's a tough metric, and a bit silly to to see states that flirt with 10/100,000 pop on and off the list on a weekly basis (Delaware, e.g.), at least it's still a metric and not a political whim.

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