Latest construction progress at EPCOT'S new flagship retail store - 'Creations Shop'

Apr 20, 2021 in "Creations Shop"

Creations Shop and Club Cool construction - April 20 2021
Posted: Tuesday April 20, 2021 11:20am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Today we have a quick look at construction progress on the new flagship merchandise location at EPCOT - "Creations Shop."

Located on the site of the former Mouse Gear, Creations Shop features huge floor to ceiling windows which are currently being installed.

According to Imagineer Zach Riddley, "Creations Shop features a bold, sleek design that creates a perfect showcase for the rich variety of items you’ll find as part of your EPCOT experience. It will be an open, bright, welcoming environment with huge glass walls that allow sunlight to pour in and make you feel like you’re in touch with nature even while indoors. We are using color, materials and light in new ways with some unique EPCOT touches that connect back to this park’s storied past while looking to the future."

At the eastern breezeway, the area is full of scaffolding.

And finally a look at the corner of the building, which will be home to the new food and beverage offerings.

Opening this summer, the store will include a Mickey Mouse mural along the side wall and homages to him throughout the interior. There large dynamic murals will showcase the global, contemporary icon that Mickey has become for generations around the world. 

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    Disney AnalystMar 19, 2023

    A little Disneyland love for Epcot.

    MisterPenguinJan 19, 2023

    Has anyone checked the floor of Club Cool?

    cranbizJan 19, 2023

    More sticky traps are needed for rodent control. 🤣

    Epcot82GuyJan 16, 2023

    I think it is very important to distinguish between use of the full Mickey character and Mickey ears/hidden Mickeys in the Parks' design. Historically, they have been very different domains. Is there overlap/a spectrum of the usage, of course. But, there's a huge difference between the use you've highlighted vs. Mickey and team exploring the world via World Showcase/future* vs. Mickey being a full-fledged ambassador and focus in the park. * - I think we all can agree the orange/pink space rainbow future of Mickey and friends would be better than our current world. So, I'm standing by it.

    Inspired FigmentJan 16, 2023

    This is something the 02-current Journey Into Imagination “With Figment” gets wrong. It’s got a purple dragon in it sure… but he sure isn’t characterized the way he was originally, he doesn’t have the same purpose, nor does the ride even properly showcase or explain the creative process or really get what imagination is and the positive effect it has in society. Infact, it portrays it as an “interference” that’s “upside down”. The focus seems to be more on advertising/tieing in the Honey I Shrunk IP and the other Sci-Fi flicks that involved Medfield College over anything else. Which is a problem. The fact that ‘that’ is the current symbol for Imagination for WDI & Disney as it stands.. says a mouthful to me. Dreamfinder & Figment complimented & were fun personifications of that quality & Journey. ‘That’ was what made us love & connect with them so much. Not ‘just’ the fact that they were a professor & a purple dragon.

    Inspired FigmentJan 16, 2023

    in order for Imagineering to truly live & flourish. You need free spirited creativity & imagination to do it. Who are two characters and a ride that symbolizes that quality perfectly. Dreamfinder & Figment and the original Journey Into Imagination pavilion. But what was the focus/heart of it? Not a professor and a purple dragon… but ‘imagination’, ‘the creative process’, the ‘various realms’ in which we let that quality flourish. A real world quality that makes Disney & society thrive. Everything begins with a spark of inspiration & Imagination.

    Inspired FigmentJan 16, 2023

    Mickey is also the mascot of the company because it’s what it started with and began its success with… but it never was supposed to be the ‘sole’ focus/entirety of the company. Not Imagineering. Imagineering was never a place that simply made attractions focused entirely on Mickey Mouse and Friends.

    Inspired FigmentJan 16, 2023

    Each park requires its own needs of Imagineering. As they utilize different themes & goals. They’re not all the same as Disney sees them now. As ways to advertise their film & tv part of the studio. It was a way to expand entertainment and do ‘new’ things in another dimension, not simply market one or the other.

    Inspired FigmentJan 16, 2023

    Yeah.. the first idea was a mouse.. but that evolved.. Walt moved on from Mickey as the ‘sole focus’.. also keep in mind it says “The Imagineering way”, not “The EPCOT way”

    MisterPenguinJan 16, 2023

    Inspired FigmentJan 16, 2023

    There’s nothing wrong with having Mickey & Friends & other pre-established characters visit as tourists, in theme. But they should’ve never become the ‘focus’/center point. That is the problem. Dreamfinder & Figment and their ‘message’ especially, should’ve been the focus. The focus was the message & theme of the park, not the characters. That’s what’s been lost.

    MisterPenguinJan 16, 2023

    Yeah, they tried to keep the rodent out, but, they always find a way to get back in.

    Goofy NinjaJan 16, 2023

    Yeah, but if you're going to be faithful to the original vision (for the park). Then it should be Figments domain. Since Epcot (the park) was originally supposed to have it's own creations and not focus on the already established characters. I guess that is out the window though.

    MisterPenguinJan 16, 2023

    Mickey and friends co-host all festivals. But each festival has a main guest host. Which is sometimes Mickey.