First look at the new Walt Disney World International Drive dynamic digital art display

May 31, 2022 in "Walt Disney World Store International Drive"

Walt Disney World Store International Drive digital display
Posted: Tuesday May 31, 2022 9:31am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Disney's giant digital billboard on International Drive is now active and brings the Walt Disney World Fab 50 to the busy tourist area.

The new art display will let you experience Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Orange Bird, and other Fab 50 golden sculpts as they come to life on a ribbon-like Disney art display that enwraps the outside of the Hollywood Plaza garage.

Watch the video below for a look at the Fab 50 digital artwork. (4k YouTube)

Also opening later today at the bottom of the parking garage, the Walt Disney World store will offer theme park tickets, merchandise, and the first-ever interactive Disney Vacation Club Virtual Discovery Station.

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    cookiee_munsterJun 28, 2023

    Part of me makes me wonder if they just brought all that stuff in a giant LED screen sale... 😂 and then didn't know what to do with it. Same with the iridescent paint they brought for the 50th.

    castlecake2.0Jun 27, 2023

    Theming? 😂

    danlb_2000Jun 27, 2023

    The store is getting some sort of update... 8050 Inernational Drive (Hollywood Plaza Garage) - Tenant Improvements of existing retail space

    BocabearApr 03, 2023

    And of course the millions of dollars spent to put this up are so important because people on I-Drive don't realize that Walt Disney World is just down the street? What a colossal waste of money while they value-engineer important projects like actual attractions....

    MisterPenguinApr 01, 2023

    SirwalterraleighMar 31, 2023

    That’ll show universal who’s boss…as they complete the biggest park complex addition in Orlando since the 90’s😎

    DCBakerMar 31, 2023

    New graphics have started being displayed today as the 50th graphics have been removed.

    lazyboy97oJul 28, 2022

    I only have a fleeting awareness of them, but my understanding is that there are regulations regarding brightness, movement, etc. for digital billboards but they tend to extend so many feet from the highway. The easy loophole is to build something big enough and just far away enough that these rules don’t apply.

    Andrew25Jul 28, 2022

    It's a heck of a traffic distraction at night - especially at the Kirkman/Universal entry ramp that merges onto a merge lane.

    JoeCamelJul 28, 2022

    All the electronic billboards should have maximum brightness set by regulation. IMO When they are that bright at night I look away and it kinda defeats their purpose

    DznyGrlSDJul 28, 2022

    Drove by this on I4 on the way back from the Sanford airport last week at approximately 1230am - it's BRIGHT...oof

    SirwalterraleighJul 27, 2022

    In a nutshell

    matt9112Jul 27, 2022

    So you mean no real investment so a lot of extra marketing ?

    SirwalterraleighJul 27, 2022

    They’re done with capex in Orlando for quite some time - my theory - so they will do this kinda thing to draw attention to themselves as they repackage and sell the standard/old product. It happened post millennium…they did it for stretches in the Iger years too.