Wondering Oakens Trading Post and Frozen Snowground now closed at Disney's Hollywood Studios

Jan 05, 2015 in "Wandering Oaken's Trading Post and Frozen Snowground"

Posted: Monday January 5, 2015 3:06pm EST by WDWMAGIC Staff

Wondering Oakens Trading Post and Frozen Snowground has now closed for the second and what appears to be the final time.

Originally in Soundstage One as part of Frozen Summer Fun in 2014, the store and snow play area moved to the Streets of America at the former AFI Showcase location in late September of the same year.

Yesterday was the final day of operation.

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    flyerjabJan 08, 2015

    Now that Spirit has returned to grace us with his tales of whimsy, I did happen to pick up on one very important statement he made in one of his more recent posts. Although he made the comment that he will no longer be divulging information unless the source is 100% certain, one point he made was that there is A LOT MORE coming with the DHS redo (aside from the pre-budget slashing, cutting edge Star Wars attractions). I find that small, under-the-radar remark interesting in that it indicates (to me) more than just a Pixar Place expansion is coming. All along, the talk about the DHS redo has always mainly been centered on 2 primary changes: 1) Pixar Land and 2) Star Wars Land. Group those with the classic Hollywood vibe of the front of the park and I find that to be an odd mix to work with. There needs to be a greater variety than those 3 basic areas and I can't believe that this is what DHA will be comprised of after all is said and done. Aside from the 2 obvious expansions above, I believe that there will be a lot of other lesser changes/reskins/additions to this park overall that really hasn't been talked about much. Spirit's remark makes me think that even more.

    Kman101Jan 08, 2015

    I believe there had once been a "Mickey's Movieland" idea for the Studios. I'm also one for wanting a Toontown-esque area in DHS. And right between RnRc and Animation Courtyard works. Or they could just re-theme the courtyard.

    doctornickJan 08, 2015

    Personally, a "this is where they work" version of Toontown always made a lot of sense to me. I think if they could tear down Ops 3 and the Take Five Cafe, they could create a decent Toontown in between RNR and Animation Courtyard. It would also make a big difference in terms of park layout and congestion by offering an alternative pathway between Sunset Blvd and the rest of the park. And if Roger Rabbit from DLR is truly going to be replaced when Star Wars comes, this is a perfect location for it. That is a ride that would really help round of DHS's offerings.

    kpilcherJan 08, 2015

    I believe CEP stands for Central Energy Plant. I'm betting that would be tough to move.

    IgnohippoJan 07, 2015

    Is there anything about Ops 1, 2 & 3 or Studios C.E.P. that can't be moved? Like maybe to the land the northwest of RnRC? You would have to build some kind of bridge for the employees to get across without interrupting guests (and disguise the outside of the lot). But none of that is anything that would that difficult to do. It seems to me to be a great area for expansion and an area that could eventually connect to the new TS Playland. I've always had visions of the BAH being moved to the center of that area (where Ops 3 is) or that area being used as a new ToonTown.

    IgnohippoJan 07, 2015

    Holy cow! What a great resource. Thanks!!

    H2O_Mouse-EarsJan 07, 2015

    Funny how there is a typo on the original article calling it Wondering Oakens.

    roj2323Jan 07, 2015

    Coordinator of training offices

    DisneyGentlemanJan 07, 2015

    And what is the purpose of the bungalows? Just general offices?

    Magic FeatherJan 06, 2015

    Just to clarify, Both SS1 and AFI are gutted and Oakens is gone for now.

    danlb_2000Jan 06, 2015

    The area shown here is the new laundry facility.

    TinkrbellJan 06, 2015

    I think the building you're referring to is Ops 3. It's some offices, but also warehouse space for facilities & events support.

    RSoxNo1Jan 06, 2015

    Here's a look at overhead: http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=28.357280&lon=-81.561301&z=19&m=b

    TheDisneyMagicJan 06, 2015

    You are correct: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=disneyland paris backlot tour horizons&FORM=HDRSC2&id=C5A2342ED34CD2E283DF8032AB4DB242D3C2ED5A&selectedIndex=0#view=detail&id=C5A2342ED34CD2E283DF8032AB4DB242D3C2ED5A&selectedIndex=0