The CBJ is an excellent show, albeit it terrified me for years due to the talking heads on the wall. But The music is actually pretty silly, and gets stuck in your head. It fits very well in this area of the park and a good alternative if your not into the horseshoe review. Its one of those ... [Read more] attractions that help to make the adventure feel like one. You take in the show ride the steamboat, see the review you start to get an (cleaner) old west town feeling right away. As a Kid (after getting over my fear by "meeting" the heads in the saloon next door) I'd pretend to be a cowgirl about to brave thunder mt. but taking in the town first. (I had a story for every land and park). The animatronics although dated, are classic disney, and irreplaceable. Its also air conditioned, relaxing, and happy. If the kids don't have my childhood fears It's perfect for them. Most songs are either old country songs or renditions of them changed for bears. [Read less]
I liked this show - it's definitely not my favorite, not even close. But it's entertaining enough to keep your attention throughout. If you've never seen it, definitely check it out, but I don't think it's the kind of thing you need to do every time you go.
This show is my childhood. I swear the Country Bear Jamboree has always been a tradition to visit once during my Walt Disney World vacations! Now as a regular (visiting WDW almost 5 times a month) I haven't really visited the Jamboree in a while. So I decided to see the show. It was even better! It' ... [Read more] s one of those rides that grow on you when you grow up. The Country Bears holds a special place in my heart. Hopefully this attraction will never leave, and I really do hope they bring back the Christmas special! [Read less]
The Bears never get old!!
The show is dated but it is nice to sit and get some AC. If you have never seen it you should at least once.
My family and I have always loved this show. The songs are great and catchy (especially "Blood on the Saddle"). Yes the animatronics are a little dated, but the show is in the air-conditioning, which gives it automatic bonus points. And there's very little wait time.
It is a bit corny, but I still enjoyed it. Funny and enjoyable, makes you clap your hands and stomp your feet.
If you have seen the Country Bears a few times ... it might be enough. If you are seeing the attraction for the first time, it is really worthwhile. It is funny ... and lthough dated, it is charming. The show moves well -- and the words to the songs are sometimes a little adult ... though this ... [Read more] aspect of the twangy country sounds will be lost on the kids. My 4-year old asked to see it again after before the show was even done. I would really hate it if Disney decided to get rid of the attraction. It is nice to have some attractions which do not have long wait times -- something to see while your fast pass time is coming up. Ditto for the Carosel of Progress. /\/\/\/\ Emba 33 /\/\/\/\ [Read less]
No matter what anyone else thinks, we love this Disney classic. It's fun and brings back a lot of memories for seeing it as a kid back in the 70's. Maybe an update from time to time would be in line, I hope they never get rid of it.
The CBJ has been a favorite of mine since I first saw it. I have loved animatronics ever since I can remember, so perhaps that is one of the main reasons I enjoy it so much. Apparently the people that think it is the most boring thing ever, do not appreciate animatronics and classics. In my opinion, ... [Read more] DisneyLand made a horrible decision to get rid of it, and I hope Disney World will never remove it. If you appreciate a good Disney classic, then check out the Country Bear Jamboree! [Read less]
I was excited to see the Country Bear Jamboree, as it was removed from Disneyland several years ago, and so I have not seen it in a long time. I have to say that after just seeing it again at WDW, I'm shocked at how boring and lame it is now. No wonder Disneyland gave it up and removed it for a ... [Read more] new attraction. WDW needs to do the same and use the space for something more valuable. The animatronics are dated (with little motion) the music and general pace is boring. None of the characters are really interesting except for Big Al, but the rest of the show comes off feeling like a waste of time. Save yourself 15+ minutes and have lunch or see another more interesting attraction. [Read less]
The country bears are always a good show. The songs and humor are great. That's saying something, cause I hate country music!
I'm sorry, but this show needs a huge makeover. Either that, or it just needs to go. The concept is cute, but the whole show is filled with cheesy songs and very low quality puppets. Something you'd see at Chucky Cheese. Boring for kids and adults.
This is my mother's all time favorite MK attraction. She just loves the songs and "Miss COME UP AND SEE ME SOMETIME" Bear. I wish they would put in a gift shop where you could get replica's of all the bears and maybe even a CD with more music on it.
I've always liked this show better than the newer "Vacation Hoedown" show at Disneyland. The Disneyland show is disjointed, the songs don't always fit the theme, and it's weird to see Country Bears singing the Beach Boys or Gene Kelly, or Country Bears dressed in Las Vegas Elvis jackets, or ... [Read more] snorkels and inflatable inner tubes. I mention Disneyland's version because that show renewed my appreciation for the original Magic Kingdom show, where it's a straightforward country/western variety show, with country/western songs and country/western costumes. And what can you say about Blood On The Saddle - it's timeless. [Read less]
This is a great way to catch your breath, while tapping your toes. Again, for those of us who remember the original Mickey Mouse Club, and Saturday nights with Uncle Walt, it'll bring back alot of fond memories and put you right in the Disney frame of mind.
This attraction has a number of problems - the music is so-so, the humor just isn't there (save a couple of cute comments by the heads on the wall), and it's a tad long. It held the 4 and 6-year olds' interest for most of it, but the 8-year old and I were pretty bored by the end. On the plus side: ... [Read more] similar to "it's a small world", this is a relaxing, air conditioned way to calm kids while you wait for your FastPasses to activate. [Read less]
The Country Bear Jamboree is about bears who sing and have bands, actually its pretty interesting. If your at the Magic Kingdom on a hot day its a good idea to make a stop in here so you can relax in the nice air conditioning. The show is fun and has some catchy music. The audio anamatronics are ... [Read more] very fluent and work well with the instruments and show. [Read less]
County Bear Jamboree was a fun attraction the very first time I sat through it. As time goes on, it is no longer on my list of attractions to see when I visit WDW. It gets quite boring, although is good for children and the elderly. See it once, don't expect to go back.
A classic Disney show that is a laugh-filled, foot-stomping country-western Jamboree staring a cat of audio-animatronic bears. Classic characters like Henry, Big Al, and Teddie Beara sing songs ranging from ther "Ballad of Davy Crockett" to "Blood on the Saddal". Equally good (if not better) is the ... [Read more] Country Bear Christmas Special, a festive shows with the bears singing holiday favorites. [Read less]
Ah, the good ol' Country Bear Jamboree. Despite the Disneyland verison closing and a failed movie, this thirty year old classic still packs 'em in. It is one of those things that you can like as a child and still have a greater liking to it as you grow older. While the queue isn't as large as its ... [Read more] counterparts in Disneyland and Tokyo or as much things to look at, it has the classic Marc Davis paintings of some of the bears to look at while waiting for the show. The show itself is still a crowd-pleaser, with the audience clapping to the Five Bear Rugs' fast paced down-home tunes and laughing at bits throughout, such as Big Al's bellowing of "Blood On The Saddle". The voices are also good, like Henry's unique southern twang, Teddi Barra's soft, gentle crooning, and Al's afformentioned deep bellowing. I recommended this to anybody, so give it a try whenever ya go through Frointerland! [Read less]
One of the landmark Magic Kingdom attractions, Country Bear Jamboree provides guests with a foot-stompin', classic America hoedown. Upon entering the nostalgic queue (with old west themed music and the preview posters of our musicians), we can gain a sense about what we're about to see. Grizzly ... [Read more] Hall is the theater which houses the Jamboree (and in the holidays, the Christmas Special), every day of the year. The original Jamboree is probably the best out of all three shows. Walt stepped into Marc Davis' office a few weeks before his death in 1966, and gave his last laugh while gazing upon a few bruins he assigned his Imagineers to create for an Audio-Animatronics show. Marc Davis described it as "hilarious". The show itself has all aspects of a classic Disney attraction - detail, theme, story, a great spirit, family-friendly, etc. Even if you're not coming with kids, the CBJ (as I call it) is a nice place to come to take a break on a hot afternoon for a country serenade - and a hilarious show! Henry, Wendell, Teddi Barra, Trixie, Melvin, Buff, Max, Zeke, Zeb, Ted, Fred, Tennessee, Bunny, Bubbles, Beulah, Liver-Lips, Terrence, and Gomer are just some of the bears that'll entertain you for this classic 15 minute production. But watch out for Big Al - this bear is the one that always steals the show! Be sure to pop into the Jamboree next time you're there. The Holiday show is also a major treat to help celebrate the holidays with a country theme to our favorite "Beary Christmas" themes. The animatronics are some of the best Disney's created, in emotion and character. Be sure to catch this landmark next time you're out the Magic Kingdom! As Henry put it, "If you haven't seen the Country Bear Jamboree, yew just ain't lived!" [Read less]
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