Kim Possible World Showcase Adventure soft opening

Kim Possible World Showcase Adventure soft opening
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Signage outside of both Innoventions lets guests know where to start.
Your Kim Possible Adventure can begin at either side of Innoventions, where a swipe of your park ticket gives you a time and location to begin saving the World (Showcase).
A touch screen terminal takes you through the sign up process and gives you your FASTPASS-type ticket with the time and location of your adventure.
An area photo of the touch screens in Innoventions.
A closeup of the FASTPASS type ticket giving the time and location of your adventure.
The Field Station where you are given your Kimmunicator to begin your mission.
Another one of the stations where you can sign up for the adventure.
The game runs on a relatively standard cell phone. All of the magic is the software and the interaction with the environment.
The backside of the LG clamshell flip phone.
A closeup of the screen giving directions on where to begin.
The title of the Mission.
Wade, your guide through the adventure giving story details. The on screen action is well animated, and dialog very audible.
Photos help you along your way through the pavilion.
Kim Possible herself makes an appearance.
At the end of your adventure you return your Kimmunicator to a secret drop off location.

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