Disney previews EPCOT 40th anniversary merchandise

Sep 21, 2022 in "EPCOT"

Posted: Wednesday September 21, 2022 10:25am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Disney's social channels have shared a quick glimpse of the new EPCOT 40th anniversary merchandise.

The video shows a photo shoot at Spaceship Earth, giving a look at some of the EPCOT 40 logo apparel.

EPCOT will mark its 40th anniversary on October 1 2022. Beyond merchandise, it will likely be a very low-key day at the park, with Walt Disney World focussing on the resort's 50th anniversary during this year.

Here are some highlights of the EPCOT 40th Collection.

  • Figment fans, this is your time to shine! Paired with the symbols representing the iconic pavilions that make up EPCOT, Figment is the perfect ambassador to celebrate this milestone. Check out the striking blue pullover fleece, vibrant shirts and sentimental jumbo pin, all showcasing our favorite spark of imagination.
  • From a sequined Minnie Mouse headband and an impressive CORKCICLE canteen to a cozy long-sleeved shirt, the new collection is infused with retro and nostalgic designs that offer a wide variety of celebratory merchandise for the entire family.
  • Ahead of the holiday season, the commemorative spirit jersey and woven shirt are the perfect gifts for your loved ones.
  • Eye-catching, energetic, and with a touch of magic, the assortment of apparel is perfect for the whole family. Get ready to dress your little ones in the Figment youth tee and have a groovy photo op in front of Spaceship Earth.
  • There's a multi-colored Loungefly mini backpack, Citizen watch and fleece hoodie.
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    FigmentsBrightIdeasJan 16, 2023

    It’s because it isn’t a threat to their business, because they genuinely think people only want their current ‘mostly’ bland, low effort, generic offerings. Their thinking is “ about that “unfavorable” Disney IP they’re utilizing and selling. Isn’t a threat to us” That or they just don’t want to cause a commotion & further bad publicity for themselves cause, in actuality, it’s only ‘promoting’ them & their business positively. (Which truth be told, is the best way to go about it.. see the way they targeted daycare centers using their characters.. not a good idea PR or legacy wise). Their product quality, reception of it, & sales should speak for themselves..

    NunuJan 15, 2023

    Happened to us last month, too! 😌

    CaptainAmericaJan 15, 2023

    Just saw the 40th Anniversary beacon of light show on Spaceship Earth for the first time. More than one of us were singing along loudly and conducting the ROE fireworks finale during "We Go On."

    Billy6Jan 10, 2023

    When there in October, none of the Cm's knew about it either... I want one!!!

    Figments FriendJan 10, 2023

    I have always been curious as to how these Etsy people can sell what is essentially ‘bootleg’ items with stolen graphics and not be shut down. I am all for artistic expression, but it’s more then obvious a lot of money is being made on someone elses’ clearly copyrighted imagery and nobody seems to call them out on it. So how do they get away with it? Some of these sellers have very slick looking social media pages and websites that can easily lead someone not in the know to think this stuff is official Disney merch. I’ve been observing this for years and have always wondered. -

    Vinnie MacJan 09, 2023

    Someone did a video of them in like an 80's/early 90's type filter and it even looked fitting for that era of Epcot. I love it

    Coaster LoverJan 09, 2023

    Goo Good to see they are maintained this. It truly is one of the best things to come from the 50th anniversary of WDW.

    TheEPCOTHistorianJan 09, 2023

    It never released... I have been checking every. single. day. and it hasn't been in.

    stuartJan 09, 2023

    I have said this for years. Why must everything be so garish and in your face? And when it is subtle on the front the back has a ridiculous design. I got very, very lucky and nabbed one of those in July. Seemed like they came out or baxk into stock then. The girl at the till said they sell out instantly, and have been super popular. As you say, simple polo ans logo is all so many want. Even a store at Downtown Disney where you choose a shirt colour, choose a park / resort / ride logo. I'm fortunate to have the tools at work, so made myself this....

    TiggerishJan 09, 2023

    I see that's a Citizen. We were at WDW last week and the only watches we saw were Citizen, and they were minimum $275.

    Cmdr_CrimsonJan 08, 2023

    Simple, because they would shut them down and think their merchandise is better... https://disneytips.com/small-business-owners-beware-disney-is-cracking-down-on-unauthorized-merchandise-ir1/

    ThelazerJan 08, 2023

    I mean hell, they should just buy in bulk from Etsy and sell it in the parks. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1318747292/epcot-40-epcot-40th-anniversary-shirt?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=Disney+40th&ref=sc_gallery-1-16&plkey=d565b5e447846e29084ccd32de9041410c87bf35%3A1318747292 https://www.etsy.com/listing/1195578643/retro-inspired-epcot-forever-coin-epcot?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=epcot+40th&ref=sr_gallery-1-5&sts=1&organic_search_click=1 https://www.etsy.com/listing/963215902/epcot-shirt-the-land-vintage-epcot-shirt?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=epcot+40th&ref=sr_gallery-1-22&pop=1&sts=1&organic_search_click=1

    TouchdownJan 08, 2023

    How about a simple grey polo with the logo stiched over The left breast, if you want to get fancy hint the SE triangle pattern on the collar. After all what’s the one mens 50th item that has been impossible to find? The Nike dry fit navy polo with the gold WDW logo and castle. Simple sells.

    ThelazerJan 08, 2023

    Doesn't help that it looks like a shirt custodial would wear.

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