PHOTOS - Newly expanded Ferryboat Dock entrance at the Magic Kingdom

Dec 21, 2016 in "Magic Kingdom"

New Magic Kingdom Ferry dock area
Posted: Wednesday December 21, 2016 1:44pm EST by WDWMAGIC Staff

As part of the improvements being made to the entrance and security areas at the Magic Kingdom, a newly expanded Ferryboat dock is now in operation.

A new entrance and exit can be found much closer to the other watercraft docks, directly across from the main Magic Kingdom entrance.

Likely to later be used for additional security screening checkpoints, a large empty space has also been carved out of the previous grassy area.

The long term plan is thought to move security screening away from the entrance and provide dedicated areas for each mode of guest transport.

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    ToTBellHopMar 29, 2017

    Yes, but they could push it back.

    matt9112Mar 29, 2017

    Where did the orginal "all this needs to be secure" come from? Isn't the bus terminal security area also very close to MK relative to boats?

    DisneyJeffMar 28, 2017

    Has there been any work done at the resorts' monorail stations or boat docks? I would think that they would want to get security up and running at these locations at the same time as the TTC.

    mhochmanMar 28, 2017

    That's great. We are staying at the Poly this summer. Will be nice to have the shorter wait times for security.

    mm121Mar 28, 2017

    work is done security tents are up and in place only thing needed is install of whatever security equipment they plan to use and relocation of staff possible install of additional fencing should be done soon, people have been saying in time for spring break, though college spring break has already started and no movement yet. probably waiting to open changes at MK and at TTC at the same time

    mhochmanMar 28, 2017

    Sorry if this has already been stated in this thread, but is there a timeframe for the work? Should it all be in place by the summer?

    flynnibusMar 20, 2017

    That's what the Disneylanders said too when the security tents went up on the esplanade :)

    LukeS7Mar 20, 2017

    I honestly would see it as a benefit if I can go through security at my hotel (for the more expensive monorail resorts) and not have to deal with the lines for security when I get to a park, as well as then being able to go from my hotel to MK or Epcot (or MK to Epcot) and vice versa, without ever having to go through security again. I just went on a Disney/Universal trip in January and I absolutely loved how Universal only had the one checkpoint outside of CityWalk and then I could move freely between the two parks and even leave the parks for lunch in CityWalk and easily go back in.

    Grimley1968Mar 20, 2017

    I did not notice this thread until this past weekend. We went to MK in December, and arrived via ferry from the TTC. Not realizing that this work had been done, I didn't even notice it, except that the security check took as long as ever because the entire property-wide security work has not been completed yet. It may be a temporary headache for guests, but I think in the long run that securing the different transportation modes is a necessity and will also greatly improve the guest experience once they've entered into the "secure zone" at the TTC and even at the MK resorts getting onto the monorail. Further separation of security/bag check and the park turnstiles will be a good thing for Disney and their guests, IMHO.

    21stampsMar 19, 2017

    The best part about this is- there is literally an entire page of 2 people going back and forth with petty comments to each other. But, another person asks security questions, void of any attacks, snark, talking down to, and that person is "off topic".lol. I apologize for this post. I just thought it was humorous. Anyway, I'm out. Have fun.

    xdan0920Mar 19, 2017

    Martin, looks like you're having quite a long conversation with yourself.... Maybe if I click, show ignored content? Yep, the usual suspect.

    marni1971Mar 19, 2017

    Consensus is they will also be subject to security checks.

    marni1971Mar 19, 2017

    Okay. See ya. I'll give you a shout when the dock plans are available.

    21stampsMar 19, 2017

    They were questions. As in a discussion. Some of us do think for ourselves and try to understand why a decision is made. Moreso than just accepting "well this is how it will be, because I said so. don't question it" Have fun with your thread. I'll stick to the trip reports where people actually have conversation without the snark.