Walt Disney World to begin enforcing stroller size restrictions

Mar 28, 2019 in "Magic Kingdom"

Posted: Thursday March 28, 2019 9:07am Et by WDWMAGIC Staff

Beginning May 1 2019, Walt Disney World will begin enforcing stroller size restrictions to keep them within a reasonable size for navigating through the parks.

New regulations will require them to be no larger than 31" (79cm) wide and 52" (132cm) long.

Popular strollers, such as the Bob Revolution (including the Duallie double wide version) fit within these size guidelines.

Wagons are already banned, but beginning May 1, stroller wagons (such as the Keenz) will also no longer be permitted.

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    The MomMay 02, 2019

    https://forums.wdwmagic.com/threads/harbinger-of-the-apocalypse-day-1-no-wagons-and-smoke.954572/ You may discuss HOW the new rules are working - not whether they should have been implemented in the first place. That ship has sailed. So, if you are a smoker, or someone who used oversized strollers or wagons, please discuss it here. If you are a guest who who has experienced the changes, please discuss it here.

    mdcprMay 02, 2019

    Yes, good tip. My son would hate that because of the echoing of enclosed spaces.

    ImperfectPixieMay 02, 2019

    Noise is an issue for us too - not necessarily all noise, just noises of a certain quality - so we avoid shows that are indoors or under a roof.

    mdcprMay 02, 2019

    Thank you. This really helps. About the noise, I didn't think about bringing his noise-cancelling headphones, but I will. And I LOVE the pool idea.

    Tony the TiggerMay 02, 2019

    I thought they might be a little lenient the first day - they were passing out info sheets everywhere we went, and popping up reminder messages on our phones. More to the point, I overheard a CM talking with a woman who was concerned about her own stroller (not with her that day) and he said, “If you see it in the park today, it’s good” - implying, to me, that they were going to be very strict the first day. 👍🏻

    LensmanMay 02, 2019

    I agree. Additionally, let's not be too harsh on the other 2 1/2 year old kids who can't remember their first WDW trip 42 1/2 years later. I can barely remember my last Disneyland trip and it was only 7 years ago. Even worse, I was just looking through some old snapshots tonight and found some of a trip to WDW 20 years ago when I was in my early 30's that I have zero recollection of. It's with a friend of mine who I don't remember going to WDW with at all! Stating the obvious, despite my not having any memories of this trip, I'm pretty sure I was glad of being able to go at the time.

    Tanna ErosMay 02, 2019

    Kids can remember at that age. At 45, my niece, who was 2 1/2 at the time has memories. I guess it depends on the kid. My cousin can't remember a thing when she went to Disneyland. I'd rather the kids be there than not.

    THE 1HAPPY HAUNTMay 02, 2019

    to play devil's advocate, I don't have a dog in this fight, to defend her comment, it is basically saying why bring kids who are not old enough to have memories of the visit? one could argue you are placing your memories over that of your child. sure you can take pictures for them to look back on as an adult but it really means more for the parent than the kid. my parents took me to sea world as a kid and I have no memory of it. I wish personally I was a little older when they did so I could remember it. no one is saying "don't bring your young kid" more like people are asking "why bring your super young kid who will have no memory?". again I don't really have a side just seeing it from the other point of view to those quickly trying to dismiss the point of view altogether.

    raymusiccityMay 02, 2019

    I think there's a correlation between those with wagons and those with miniature dogs wearing 'service animal' vests :oops:

    larryzMay 02, 2019

    Figment82May 01, 2019

    It sounds like some of you questioning why anyone would bring a stroller-aged child to Disney are forgetting that many locals and Cast Members like to visit the parks too. For us, it’s not a $$$ trip of a lifetime, it’s a couple hours out of the house on a Saturday. My daughter’s first visit was at 2.5 months and now at 9 months, I’d wager she’s been to Epcot more times than the average adult. 😂 And the only ride she’s been on yet is the WEDWay. I babywear, but we also use our (small) stroller, especially when it’s a bit warm. Honestly, now having been on both sides of the “issue”, there are just as many rude and pushy people without strollers as there are with. Are the giant strollers taking over the parks? Sure, the size of some of them is a bit crazy. But to argue that all tiny children should stay home until they can walk 8 hours a day is silly. A park etiquette refresher would go a long way for many guests.

    Cesar R MMay 01, 2019

    You missed a few like: "My X works at Disney!"

    UnpluggedMay 01, 2019

    We have traveled numerous times to WDW with friends who's son is on the spectrum. Our friends son was 10 the first time we went and his 14 now. His real issues then were noise, crowds, and food. While they had an attraction pass for him, many times FP+ worked well too so he wouldn't have issues in lines for more than a few minutes. WDW dining is fantastic with food allergies or dietary requirements, just ask at any location and they'll work with you. Our friends take their son to the pool every morning to help their son burn off some energy and relaxed him for a nice afternoon in the parks. Obviously, every child is different, but navigating around crowds (where possible these days), avoiding really loud attractions, etc. really made it a great trip for him. He loves it now, but I know they've had days of challenges so flexibility and knowing the transportation system for quick escapes to the room is a real help! Hope you all have a great trip!

    ImperfectPixieMay 01, 2019

    Both my boys are autistic - they're now 13 and 8 and their Disney trips have been at the ages of 7 and 2 1/2, 9 and 4 1/2, and then 10 and 5 1/2. By all means, please feel free to message me!

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