EPCOT's Morocco Pavilion Wraps Up Refurbishments, But New Tilework Misses the Mark

Jul 25, 2024 in "Morocco (Pavilion)"

Completed Morocco Pavilion Refurbishment - July 2024
Posted: Thursday July 25, 2024 1:00pm ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

All construction walls are down at EPCOT's Morocco pavilion as work appears to have wrapped up on this latest round of refurbishments.

Following the extensive concrete replacement and building repainting that has taken place over the last couple of years, this recent project has seen all of the original tilework around the planters and central fountain replaced.

Unfortunately, the new tile work is a standard off-the-shelf product that does not match the original tile found elsewhere in the pavilion (pictured below). When the pavilion was initially built, the King of Morocco sent over his own artisans to assist with sourcing and installing genuine Morocco tile. It is a shame to see the central area dumbed down with tile that you would find in a city restaurant bathroom in a pavilion that feels so authentic and one of World Showcases's most impressive environments.

This latest refurbishment has also seen the orange trees removed from the courtyard's planters and replaced with palms.

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castlecake2.0Jul 26, 2024

While you’ll 99% of the time get a canned response, the email does get forwarded to the right people. It’s always worth writing GR. Guest.Services@disneyworld.com

Cmdr_CrimsonJul 26, 2024

At least they are still respecting it's lighting feature during the nighttime shows right? Or did they give up on that too? Incase no on knew of this.... https://forums.wdwmagic.com/threads/why-doesnt-moracco-or-norway-light-up-for-illuminations.187668/#:~:text=Master%20Yoda&text=EpcotGrl%20said%3A,in%20fact%2C%20be%20demeaning).

Jambo DadJul 26, 2024

This is egregious. Disney dies a death by a thousand cuts.

LittleBufordJul 25, 2024

Such tiles really do last centuries. At worst, they may have needed (careful) removal and reinstallation, with some filling in of losses, but they did not need replacing.

IncomudroJul 25, 2024

More dumbing down and cost cutting by Disney.

DrdcmJul 25, 2024

I know right? If I recall, the old tile had some damage and I guess I could believe it needed to be replaced. It’s just the replacement is low effort… tells me they don’t really care anymore

LittleBufordJul 25, 2024

I’m still struggling to believe that Disney ripped them out so needlessly.

DrdcmJul 25, 2024

I miss the old tiles

Disstevefan1Jul 25, 2024

Thanks for your thoughtful post. It appears that my previous posts got deleted, but for the record and thanks to you, I will stop using the laugh reactions as I see it triggers folks. Its great of you to do some policing on the boards. For anyone reading this, feel free to use the laugh reactions to any or all of my posts, its ok with ME, any reaction is OK with me! I like to read when someone disagrees with me as I actually read the posts and and try to understand the other persons opinion. And to stay on topic, I do not like what Disney is doing with the Morocco pavilion.

LittleBufordJul 25, 2024

I think the pavilion was perfectly lovely and engaging in its pre-COVID state when the restaurant and souk were running and before they ruined the tilework. Not every pavilion needs a ride to be entertaining.

Epcot82GuyJul 25, 2024

Look up the psychological concept of "identification". To be fair, it's also the reason why many of us who dislike the trends of the parks get so upset (and sometimes vilifying), since the company is disregarding what we understood to be their guiding principles. (And I realize your statement may have been rhetorical. Just floating the idea generally.)

Epcot81FanJul 25, 2024

Supposed theme park "fans" actually defend Disney. That to me is the saddest part of this tragic downfall of this once respected brand. I get why a company wants to save pennies and treat their guests like idiot rubes. I just do not understand the rubes cheering them on and defending them.

aladdin2007Jul 25, 2024

voice opinions to GR, however unfortunately a lot of the time now you get a college intern writing back who knows nothing and they probably just discard it. But good to do anyway.

trainplane3Jul 25, 2024

This wasn't a swing and a miss. There wasn't even a player or a bat. It was the afterhours janitor that threw the ball for fun in a random direction then went on about their business cleaning the area. It contrasts so hard with the original tile work it isn't funny.