It’s Tough to be a Bug! has now permanently closed at Disney’s Animal Kingdom following its final performances on March 17, 2025. As work begins to prepare the Tree of Life Theater for its upcoming Zootopia: Better Zoogether! attraction, several noticeable changes have already taken place.
Tree of Life Theater Updates
The entrance marquee for It’s Tough to be a Bug! has been removed.
While the former entrance remains accessible, guests can now only use it to explore the Tree of Life Gardens — entry into the theater queue is blocked by a small construction wall.
References to It’s Tough to be a Bug! have been removed from wayfinder signage throughout the park.
A new in-park map was released today reflecting these changes. The map no longer lists It’s Tough to be a Bug! and does not yet mention the upcoming Zootopia attraction.
What’s Next for the Tree of Life Theater?
Disney has confirmed that Zootopia: Better Zoogether! will debut in winter 2025, but no additional construction timeline details have been shared. Recent permits suggest infrastructure changes and set installation will begin very soon as part of the theater’s transformation.
For now, guests can still enjoy the Tree of Life Gardens, offering scenic views of the park’s iconic centerpiece and opportunities to spot detailed animal carvings along the paths.
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