PHOTOS - All the Food Studio kiosks with pricing at the 2021 Taste of EPCOT International Festival of the Arts

Jan 08, 2021 in "Epcot International Festival of the Arts"

2021 Taste of the Epcot International Festival of the Arts Food Studios kiosks and menus
Posted: Friday January 8, 2021 12:14pm ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

The 2021 Taste of Epcot International Festival of the Arts gets begins today, celebrating the visual, culinary and performing arts in a somewhat abbreviated format for this year.

Like the Food and Wine Festival Marketplace kiosks, and Flower and Garden Festival Outdoor Kitchens, the Festival of the Arts will feature special menus at kiosks around World Showcase. New for 2021 is the Vibrante & Vívido Food Studio – located between Morocco & France. On the menu there is a Chilled Seafood Cocktail with Octopus, Scallops, Shrimp, Black Garlic Aïoli, Tomato-Coconut Sauce, and Serrano-Lime Oil.

Click the gallery for a look at all the kiosks along with menus and pricing.

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    DznyGrlSDFeb 23, 2021

    Notes from NeverlandFeb 23, 2021

    The affectionate name given to the times when Epcot is festival free.

    Little Green MenFeb 23, 2021

    Diet Epcot??

    DznyGrlSDFeb 22, 2021

    Last day of Festival of the Arts. Diet EPCOT starts tomorrow until 3/3 when Flower and Garden begin. EPCOT will be pleasantly dead this week.

    Dizknee_PhreekFeb 22, 2021

    Shopdisney has two MagicBands that weren't even at the park when we were there. But that's it. That's a good idea about FB pages though! I never think about that.

    CrazydisneyfanlukeFeb 21, 2021

    Maybe check to see if anything is available there, or even some Facebook pages where they shop at Disney for you.

    Dizknee_PhreekFeb 21, 2021

    That's all pretty much what I figured too. It was definitely a major bummer. This was the first time my husband had experienced FotA and he was really wanting the baseball cap. I just never dreamed there would be hardly anything left when we went. Of course some of the items I can find on ebay...for double and triple the original cost 🙄

    CrazydisneyfanlukeFeb 21, 2021

    Either 1 of 2 things. 1. Demand was a lot higher than expected and they do not have the time to restock the supply. 2. They thought the demand would be lower and ordered less supply. To me it looks like they wanted to ensure that the stock ran out before the event was over.

    Dizknee_PhreekFeb 21, 2021

    Does anyone know why pretty much all the merch was sold out several weeks before the festival is over? We went the 2nd week of February, and the only merch was a very small section in World Showplace. There were a couple of shirts, phone cases, magnets, key chains, and the art palette plate. And the cheapest ornament I've ever seen...seriously, the image looked like it came from someone's personal printer and was stuck on a cheap acrylic circle, and then strung with some of that super cheap curling ribbon you use on gifts. They didn't have any of the merch I had planned on getting in stock. Super disappointing. We went the exact same time last year and they still had plenty of merch everywhere. Is it just because of covid and decreased attendance?

    GillyanneFeb 07, 2021

    Does anyone know if either of the MB above are sold out in the park? I really want the AP one and family has a reservation for Tuesday. If I know they're sold out no need in waiting for her to check...

    trainplane3Feb 01, 2021

    Little bump but the Magicbands for the festival are online now. I don't recall seeing them there a few days ago.

    SourcererMark79Jan 11, 2021

    You're welcome, and I'll add there were some displays in future world east behind where mouse gears used to be. We would have missed them if we went to the right at SSE

    note2001Jan 11, 2021

    This is the info I'm looking for. Thank you. Everyone seems to be stuck on the food ignoring the "art" aspect of the event (aside from the ego feeding selfie stations)

    TouchdownJan 09, 2021

    So glad the lava cake and melted Brie in bread bowl are back, they were amazing last year.