Disney's new Communications Chief leaves the company after just four months in the new role

May 02, 2022 in "The Walt Disney Company"

Posted: Monday May 2, 2022 8:42am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Geoff Morrell, Chief Corporate Affairs officer, is leaving the Walt Disney Company after just four months in the job.

Since taking over the role, Morrell, who succeeded long-term communications head, Zenia Mucha, has been involved in several recent PR missteps.

His time at Disney may be best remembered for accidentally announcing on social media the May 27 opening of EPCOT's Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind.

Morrell is also likely to have been heavily involved in the ongoing conflict between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the Walt Disney Company.

Before joining Disney, Morrell worked with BP oil and the Bush and Obama administrations as a spokesperson for Defence Secretary Bob Gates.

Going forward, new hire Kristina Schake will now lead the company's communication efforts, with Disney's general counsel, Horacio Gutierrez, taking over government relations and public policy.

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    HauntedPirateMay 10, 2022

    20 years ago, I would have as well. These days, they are likely institutional promotions of people who have come up through the ranks, for the most part, under Iger and $lappie. Nothing changes without new blood from outside the company. Whether or not they are "worthy" or "qualified" is a whole different matter, but confidence in anything different coming from them is low.

    bcoachableMay 10, 2022

    I like to see positions such as these “grown from within”

    Tha RealestMay 10, 2022

    With this new promotion I hope Charissa explains it all https://deadline.com/2022/05/charissa-gilmore-promoted-svp-corporate-communications-disney-general-entertainment-1235020455/amp/

    Tha RealestMay 08, 2022

    Bob I -> Bob C -> Bob V

    Jrb1979May 08, 2022

    The thing is it will awhile before the parks take a step back. There is still lots of pent-up demand. This time next year might be a different story with a recession coming.

    pdude81May 08, 2022

    I took a flyer at 140 but didn't jump. Felt it was in a good place around 120 and bought, but getting beaten up now. Trying time the market is a fools errand IMO as metrics don't rule any longer. I pick a spot where I feel there is long term growth and go from there. I feel comfortable that I'll do well over time. I don't feel like the larger downturn in the markets are hurting Chapek as CEO, because earnings are more important in this environment. The perceived subscriber growth flattening is already priced in, but if parks take a big step back he could be in trouble.

    MisterPenguinMay 08, 2022

    Ignite the spark!!

    JoeCamelMay 08, 2022

    Bright suns

    bjlc57May 08, 2022

    I have already bought my dis stock.. and I am waiting for it to drop more. and then I will buy more..

    Smiley/OCDMay 08, 2022

    Or, once Twitter is under control…

    Diamond DotMay 07, 2022

    Imagine Bobby V chairing a board meeting!

    LilofanMay 07, 2022

    Bobby Valentine, NY Met , he learned to be fluent in Japanese living and coaching over there and he will feel right at home visiting TDL while running parks if that happens.

    Diamond DotMay 07, 2022

    Get Rohde's new boss to take over at Disney, he turned a business started in a British telephone box into a multi million pound operation.

    Diamond DotMay 07, 2022

    The Mets haven't missed him going by the results since he was dropped from the roster, I would like Buck Showalter to take charge of Disney Parks 🤣🤣🤣 he could do a better job than Chapek and D'Amaro.