First look at Disney World theme parks with newly relaxed mask requirements

May 15, 2021 in "The Walt Disney Company"

Disney's Animal Kingdom first day of no masks outdoors
Posted: Saturday May 15, 2021 7:35am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Disney's Animal Kingdom and Magic Kingdom opened this morning at 7:15am - the first two Disney World theme parks operating under the newly reduced mask guidance.

Temporary signage is in place, rapidly put together after last night's announcement, advising guests that masks are required at all attractions and indoor locations, along with a reminder to keep a mask to hand. Cast Members at the main entrance are also spieling that masks are now optional when outdoors only, emphasizing that masks are required on attractions and when indoors.

Perhaps more a reflection of the late breaking news last night, most guests are continuing to wear masks at the park so far this morning. This will no doubt change during the day as more guests become aware of the new mask rules.

As expected, Cast Members continue to wear masks as required by various restart agreements made with unions when the park's reopened last year.

Outside of the park, parking has now reverted back to the old model of filling every space. Sadly that means that once again we are back to door dings and close quarter parking.

Temperature checkpoints are eliminated, although the tents still remain.

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    wdwmagicApr 14, 2022

    This thread is going to take a break for a while until any changes are announced at Disney in regard to the last remaining mask requirements on transport.

    Andrew CApr 14, 2022

    If we are talking about WDW, put the blame on the company for keeping this silly rule in place. For airplanes, put the blame on the feds. When people realize stupid rules are in place and have no impact, they are going to be challenged. That’s just human nature and the reality throughout history. On the other end, when rules tend to make sense, people are more receptive. WDWs transportation rule is illogical. The feds 14 day extension of the public transportation rule at this point is the same. Expect more push back. It’s all about appearances than anything else and more and more people will pick up on that.

    Chip ChippersonApr 14, 2022

    No, you're not following the rules. You're planning the mask version of holding your finger an in from your siblings face and saying, "I'm not touching you!" And for the record, on my recent flights, the message was that masks had to be replaced between bites/sips, so unless you plan on holding g a drink to your mouth for the entire flight then you're not following the rules - but if you do that, please report back and let us know of how that worked out for you during turbulence.

    Club CooloholicApr 14, 2022

    I already explained it. It slows things down and makes it harder for the employees. And some might not really want to sit for 3 hours on a flight next to a guy sipping coffee the whole time.

    Nonsensequitter75Apr 14, 2022

    I don’t understand why you’re mad at me.

    G00fyDadApr 14, 2022

    There. Fixed the stupid. Now, go create ANOTHER account for me to ignore. :rolleyes:

    Nonsensequitter75Apr 14, 2022

    Thanks for understanding

    G00fyDadApr 14, 2022


    Nonsensequitter75Apr 14, 2022

    God bless, but no thank you.

    G00fyDadApr 14, 2022

    They are flag carriers for the socially inept and the self-important. They have one job here. It's stupid but they're going to do it.

    G00fyDadApr 14, 2022

    Just go back to your regular account. Please? For everyone.

    Nonsensequitter75Apr 14, 2022

    What can I say? I’m so lonely at this stage in my life, that the (virtual) company of people who hate me is better than the alternative, which is no company at all.

    DisneyCaneApr 14, 2022

    Hence why I asked the poster if they were intending to only experience outdoor attractions with outdoor queues. If yes, then I can at least understand their logic. If no, then the obsession about people not masking on transportation doesn't make any sense.

    Disney4LyfeApr 14, 2022

    What do you mean? Oh, hahah, I get it. The name!