Test Track's Canopy Structure Removed as Part of EPCOT's New Ride Transformation

20 days ago in "Test Track"

Test Track refurbishment - August 23 2024
Posted: Friday August 23, 2024 9:26am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

A large section of the canopy support structure has now been removed from the front of Test Track at EPCOT.

The canopy is being permanently removed for this third generation of Test Track to provide a more streamlined look to the pavilion.

On the inside, crews continue to load in materials for the new set scenes for the update ride experience.

Disney says Test Track will celebrate today's innovation while highlighting the past, present, and future.

The queue will feature six distinct exhibits, and within each room celebrate the vehicles – and people behind the vehicles – that push the envelope and help get people to our next chapter in our motion journey. 

New show scenes will be added showcasing technological advances and how our lifestyles and relationships to mobility connect everyone. Enjoy a joy ride through scenes focusing on onboard technology, customization and personalization. Followed by a trip through a scenic outdoor route reminding us all of the joys of driving, taking in the world around us and spending quality time with friends and family.

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TimeDuck7 hours ago

Any comparisons for what that kind of budget typically gets us? Anyone know how much the ToT retheme to Guardians was in DCA?

FigmentFan828 hours ago


MisterPenguin8 hours ago

They need to be careful they don't ride too close to the Sunbird.

danlb_20009 hours ago

New permit today for installation of show sets by Icarus Exhibits. https://or.occompt.com/recorder/eagleweb/viewAttachment.jsp?docName=20240530211&id=DOC3769S33781.A0&parent=DOC3769S33781

ChrisFL4 days ago

I think attendance for EPCOT Center was good every year and still beat MGM and DAK (obviously that was after the "Center" part was dropped) and I don't think they were all going to World Showcase. Someone else who has the statistics can chime in as I don't have them on hand.

Jumping Fountains4 days ago

This is a great representation of how many people would have experienced EPCOT. I do think there were enough people who enjoyed what is described (not bored) to not abandon the concept and keep the theme intact. I know my family ended up spending more time in EPCOT once we were, say, over 10. I think of WDW as a portfolio of properties and that each one doesn’t have to appeal equally to visitors. But I’m also not the business owner! ;)

Jumping Fountains4 days ago

I’m on my 40s and certainly experienced this as a child, though it has weirdly been kind of lost in my memory. I absolutely love the old attractions of EPCOT and would still be paying admission for them, as is, if they existed. Truly all-ages accessible, a bit whimsical, and transoportive. I think you’re either an old EPCOT/edutainment type or you’re not and there’s really no kind of way to convey the value of that vision of theme park experiences if it doesn’t resonate with you. I realize this is kind of a non sequitur post - just watching some of that World of Motion ride-through brought up the thoughts!

OptimusPrime7 days ago

I think we’re past the point of TT ever becoming Cars

Cmdr_Crimson7 days ago

Looking at you 1.0 with your not included version of One little Spark ..

Moth7 days ago

People were parroting $100 million. But I don't think that's going entirely towards the ride itself, I think the ride vehicles need general upkeep/updates since I think they're reaching the end of their expected lifespan? So it might be going all-in to keep Test Track well, on TRACK for the next two decades.

FigmentFan827 days ago

pelham3047 days ago

As long as the sponsorship lasts it won’t become a CARS attraction

Quietmouse7 days ago

What’s the budget for this update. That should probably give us an indication of how intricate the updates will be or lack thereof.

doctornick7 days ago

Agreed. We'll probably get a bit of IFTBF playing but other than that I wouldn't expect too much call backs to WoM. I'd be happy if they simply add some sort of show scenes as opposed to how barren the indoor portion was for TT 2.0.