First-hand report of Test Track's new pre and post show areas

Nov 21, 2012 in "Test Track"

Posted: Wednesday November 21, 2012 3:43pm EST by WDWMAGIC Staff
Test Track has been previewed by a limited number of Cast Members and we have a great summary of both the new pre-show and post-show areas where the vast majority of the changes to Test Track have been made. No guest previews have taken place yet, and the ride official reopens on December 6 2012. 

Thanks to WDWMAGIC Forum member Alektronic for the summaries, and be sure to check out our Test Track thread on the forums to talk more.


Pre-Show Summary

The Fastpass/Single Rider line enters on the left and walks by a silver concept car, then by a glass window which overlooks the design studios and then you get to pick from 7 pre-determined designs to use on your RFID card.

The Standby entrance is on the right hand side and that concept car is on the left, and there is an exploded view of a concept vehicle showing the different parts and components, along some videos you can watch about the design process. Next there is a video with a blank white car with projections on it talking about wind resistance and flow, etc. Next you come to 4 large touchscreen monitors (probably around 84”) where you can practice drawing lines and get used to the design process while you wait. 

Next you come to the first set of auto doors and are greeted by a CM, they are going to stage you for the next room, they hand out the RFID cards to everyone. There are 2 design studios and each has 34 design stations. They line you up on a number in pre briefing room and show a video about how to use to the design computer. If you don’t want to design a vehicle, they will allow up to 3 people on each design station, but there will be only one design and all 3 people will have the same design. There are 3 time limits on the design studio depending on how busy it is. You either have 9, 7, or 5 minutes to design it and when you are done you swipe your RFID card to save your design.

Then when you go to the load station , they have 6 RFID sensors depending on where you are sitting and you touch your card to the sensor and ties your design to that car.

Post-Show Summary

They really changed the shape of the post-show it is almost like a maze leading you to one room to another when you get to the final room then it is wide open and you can roam around.

After you exit the ride, you pass the on ride photo area, then you go to huge screen that says “Know your Score” then you tap your card to the sensor and it displays your score in each area Capability, Efficiency, Responsiveness, and Power and you can compare your scores against other people.

Don’t lose your card, everything in the post- show is tied to your card, then you come into a room, which to me looks like the flight deck on Star Trek, A big round room with lots of neon with computers all around the edges, it where you can design your Chevy commercial using your own design. Again you touch your card to sensor and it adds your design to that computer and ou can do all kind of effects and add music, etc.

Then you come to some racing games, there is 3 of them probably 10 players each and they have a steering wheel and a gear shift. You swipe your card and it adds your design to the game and it actually projects your design on the playing surface, I didn’t play it, but those who did said it was really fun .

Now you are out in the open where all the actual car models are, they are out in the middle and then are scenes where you can take your photo with a Chevy vehicle in different locations. These are actual sets like you in a futuristic city or on a different planet or on a tropical island, they were still working on a lot of it when I was there. Then there is some merchandise before you exit but it wasn’t it place yet.

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